Harald Hammarström
Visar 23 publikationer
Grammatical and Lexical Comparison of the Greater Ruvu Bantu Languages
Unsupervised learning of morphology
Work on Spoken (Multimodal) Corpora in South Africa.
Whence the Kanum base-6 numeral system?
Sampling and Genealogical Coverage in the WALS
Sampling and genealogical coverage in WALS
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology and the Languages of the World
Whence the Kanum base-6 Numeral System?
Bootstrapping Language Description: The case of Mpiemo (Bantu A, Central African Republic)
Automatic Annotation of Bibliographical References with Target Language
Counting Languages in Dialect Continua Using the Criterion of Mutual Intelligibility
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology: Survey, Model, Algorithm and Experiments
Handbook of Descriptive Language Knowledge: A Full-Scale Reference Guide for Typologists
Urdu Morphology, Orthography and Lexicon Extraction
Poor Man's Stemming: Unsupervised Recognition of Same-Stem Words
A Naive Theory of Morphology and an Algorithm for Extraction
Lexicon Extraction from Raw Text Data
A naive theory of affixation and an algorithm for extraction
A New Algorithm for Unsupervised Induction of Concatenative Morphology
Cardinal Numerals Revisited in GF
Properties of Lower Numerals and their Explanation
Properties of Lower Numerals and their Explanation: A Reply to Pawel/ Rutkowski
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