Christopher Heard
Visar 12 publikationer
Fe Oxides on Ag Surfaces: Structure and Reactivity
Cluster Size Effects in Ethylene Hydrogenation over Palladium
Global optimisation strategies for nanoalloys
Structural and Energetic Trends of Ethylene Hydrogenation over Transition Metal Surfaces
Charge and Compositional Effects on the 2D-3D Transition in Octameric AgAu Clusters
Tuning the Reactivity of Ultrathin Oxides: NO Adsorption on Monolayer FeO(111)
Kinetic Regimes in Ethylene Hydrogenation over Transition-Metal Surfaces
Optical Absorption of Small Palladium-Doped Gold Clusters
Energy Landscape Exploration of Sub-Nanometre Copper-Silver Clusters
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