Chien-Chung Huang
Visar 16 publikationer
New algorithms for maximum weight matching and a decomposition theorem
Fair Matchings and Related Problems
Priority mutual exclusion: Specification and algorithm
A combinatorial approximation algorithm for graph balancing with light hyper edges
Exact and approximation algorithms for weighted matroid intersection
Improved approximation algorithms for two variants of the stable marriage problem with ties
A fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for speed scaling with sleep state
Maintaining Near-Popular Matchings
Popular matchings with two-sided preferences and one-sided ties
A tight approximation bound for the stable marriage problem with restricted ties
On the uniqueness of equilibrium in atomic splittable routing games
New results for non-preemptive speed scaling
An improved approximation algorithm for the stable marriage problem with one-sided ties
Optimal coordination mechanisms for multi-job scheduling games
Fair matchings and related problems
How to pack your items when you have to buy your knapsack
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