Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh

Doktorand vid Kemisk biologi image

Visar 5 publikationer


Dissecting antibiotic effects on the cell envelope using bacterial cytological profiling: a phenotypic analysis starter kit

Ann-Britt Schafer, Margareth Sidarta, Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh et al
Microbiology spectrum. Vol. 12 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Tracking Global and Local Changes in Membrane Fluidity Through Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy

Madeleine Humphrey, Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh, Kathi Scheinpflug et al
Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 2601, p. 203-229
Kapitel i bok

Design, Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, Biological Activity, and Mechanism of Action of Novel Amino Acid Derivatives of Norfloxacin

Ahmed M. Kamal El-sagheir, Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh, Mohammed K. Abd El-Gaber et al
ACS Omega. Vol. 8 (45), p. 43271-43284
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

N4-Substituted Piperazinyl Norfloxacin Derivatives with Broad-Spectrum Activity and Multiple Mechanisms on Gyrase, Topoisomerase IV, and Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis

Ahmed M. Kamal El-Sagheir, Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh, Mohammed K. Abd El-Gaber et al
ACS Bio and Med Chem Au. Vol. 3 (6), p. 494-506
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Rational design, synthesis, molecular modeling, biological activity, and mechanism of action of polypharmacological norfloxacin hydroxamic acid derivatives

Ahmed M. Kamal El-sagheir, Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh, Mohammed K. Abd El-Gaber et al
RSC Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. 14 (12), p. 2593-2610
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt


Membranmikrodomäner i jordbakterier

Michaela Wenzel Kemisk biologi
Jonatan Norborg Kemisk biologi
Ireny Abdelmesseh Nekhala Abdelmesseh Kemisk biologi

1 publikation finns
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