Anton Johansson

Visar 6 publikationer


Improved Spectral Norm Regularization for Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 13890 LNCS, p. 181-201
Paper i proceeding

Exact spectral norm regularization for neural networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al

Slope and Generalization Properties of Neural Networks

Anton Johansson, Niklas Engsner, Claes Strannegård et al
34th Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, SAIS 2022
Paper i proceeding

Characterizing Piecewise Linear Neural Networks

Anton Johansson

SilGAN: Generating driving maneuvers for scenario-based software-in-The-loop testing

Dhasarathy Parthasarathy, Anton Johansson
Proceedings - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Testing, AITest 2021, p. 65-72
Paper i proceeding

Does the dataset meet your expectations? Explaining sample representation in image data

Dhasarathy Parthasarathy, Anton Johansson
Belgian/Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference, p. 194-208
Paper i proceeding

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