Rodi Jolak
Visar 20 publikationer
CASCADE: An Asset-driven Approach to Build Security Assurance Cases for Automotive Systems
Evaluating the layout quality of UML class diagrams using machine learning
CONSERVE: A framework for the selection of techniques for monitoring containers security
RIPOSTE: A Collaborative Cyber Attack Response Framework for Automotive Systems
Fifth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling / Modeling of Human Factors (HuFaMo'21)
Asset-driven Security Assurance Cases with Built-in Quality Assurance
Resilient Shield: Reinforcing the Resilience of Vehicles Against Security Threats
How do students experience and judge software comprehension techniques?
REMIND: A Framework for the Resilient Design of Automotive Systems
Interactive Role Stereotype-Based Visualization to Comprehend Software Architecture
Position paper: Knowledge sharing and distances in collaborative modeling
Web-based educational ecosystem for automatization of teaching process and assessment of students
Model-based software engineering: A multiple-case study on challenges and development efforts
Diversity in UML modeling explained: Observations, classifications and theorizations
Dissecting design effort and drawing effort in UML modeling
OctoUML: An environment for exploratory and collaborative software design
A Vision on a New Generation of Software Design Environments
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