Fabian Just

Postdoc vid System- och reglerteknik

I am enthusiastic about driving new and helpful technology with innovative projects in the areas of control/medical engineering, AI, machine learning, and robotics. Currently, I am developing control and machine-learning strategies for robotic arm and leg prostheses at Chalmers University, Sweden. I developed algorithms for autonomous driving at Volkswagen, the new version of the ARMin rehabilitation robot (ETH Zurich, Balgrist university clinic, ArmeoPower, HOCOMA), and integrated intelligent control strategies for intuitive usage by the therapist and patient.

Källa: chalmers.se
Image of Fabian Just

Visar 4 publikationer


Cutting Edge Bionics in Highly Impaired Individuals: A Case of Challenges and Opportunities

Eric Earley, Jan Zbinden, Maria Munoz-Novoa et al
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Vol. 32, p. 1013-1022
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Classroom-ready open-source educational exoskeleton for biomedical and control engineering

Mohammed Al-Tashi, Bengt Lennartson, Max Ortiz-Catalan et al
Automatisierungstechnik. Vol. 72 (5), p. 460-475
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Deployment of Machine Learning Algorithms on Resource-Constrained Hardware Platforms for Prosthetics

Fabian Just, Chiara Ghinami, Jan Zbinden et al
IEEE Access. Vol. 12, p. 40439-40449
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Probability-Based Rejection of Decoding Output Improves the Accuracy of Locomotion Detection During Gait

Bahareh Ahkami, Fabian Just, Max Jair Ortiz Catalan
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Paper i proceeding

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