Kristin Fransson
Visar 20 publikationer
Who needs to know what about energy use? The palm oil biofuel case
Handling chemical risk information in international textile supply chains
Flows of Chemical Risk Information in the Consumer Paint Product Chain
Chemical risk information in product chains: The cases of paint and textile
Towards transparent and relevant use of energy use indicators in LCA studies of biofuels
Calculating the Swedish economy‐wide emissions of additives from plastic materials
Energy use indicators in energy and life cycle assessments of biofuels: review and recommendations
How much energy is used when producing biofuels?
How do we know the energy use when producing biomaterials or biofuels?
The construction and handling of chemical risk information in a paint supply chain
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Palm Oil
Chemical information in textile supply chains - the case of Swedish producers and importers
Attitudes to risk information among Swedish textile importers
Sewage sludge handling with phosphorus utilization – life cycle assessment of four alternatives
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