Raul Lima Ochoterena

Visar 19 publikationer


Apparent Soot Size and Concentration in Combusting Diesel Jets at High Gas Pressures and Temperatures Measured by Combining Quasi-Simultaneous LII, Elastic Light Scattering and Light Extinction

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Mats Andersson, Sven B Andersson
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2020-April (April)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

NOx and soot emissions trends for RME, SME and PME fuels using engine and spray experiments in combination with simulations

Monica Johansson, Junfeng Yang, Raul Lima Ochoterena et al
Fuel. Vol. 106, p. 293-302
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

In-cylinder soot imaging and emissions of stratified combustion in a spark-ignited spray-guided direct-injection gasoline engine

Stina Hemdal, Mats Andersson, Petter Dahlander et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 12 (6), p. 549-563
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Diesel sprays – modeling and validation

Anne Kösters, Anders Karlsson, Raul Lima Ochoterena et al
ILASS 2011 Estoril, Portugal
Poster (konferens)

Optical studies of spray development and combustion of water-in-diesel emulsion and microemulsion fuels

Anna Lif, Raul Lima Ochoterena, Magnus Nydén et al
Fuel. Vol. 89 (1), p. 122-132
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Role of formation and transportation of hydroxyl radicals for enhanced late soot oxidation in a low emissions heavy-duty diesel engine.

Jan Eismark, Anders Karlsson, Ronny Lindgren et al
Thiesel 2010 conference on Thermo-and fluid dynamic processes in Diesel Diesel Engines, p. 173-190
Paper i proceeding

Performance of a Heavy Duty DME Engine - the Influence of Nozzle Parameters on Combustion and Spray Development

Henrik Salsing, Raul Lima Ochoterena, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE Technical Papers
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

High speed shadowgraph and diffraction based imaging for spray characterisation and combustion studies

Raul Lima Ochoterena
SAE Technical Papers: 9th International Conference on Engines and Vehicles, ICE 2009; Naples; Italy; 13 September 2009 through 13 September 2009
Paper i proceeding

The interpretation of the LII signal in optically dense combusting sprays

Raul Lima Ochoterena
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. Vol. 96 (4), p. 695-707
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Optical Diagnostics of Soot in Combusting Sprays

Raul Lima Ochoterena

Soot evolution in multiple injection diesel flames

Rickard Ehleskog, Raul Lima Ochoterena
SAE Technical Papers (SAE-2008-01-2470)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Optical studies of spray development and combustion characterization of oxygenated and Fischer-Tropsch fuels

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Monica Larsson, Sven B Andersson et al
2008 World Congress; Detroit, MI; United States; 14 April 2008 through 17 April 2008 (SAE-2008-01-1393)
Paper i proceeding

Temperature measurements using exciplex fluorescence with TMPD and methylnaphthalene as tracers

Mats Andersson, Stina Hemdal, Raul Lima Ochoterena
Proc. 22nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, p. ILASS-08-P-19-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Time and spatially resolved temperature measurements of a combusting diesel spray impinging on a wall

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Sven B Andersson
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. Vol. 1 (SAE-2008-01-1608), p. 970-983
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of Multiple Injections on Engine-Out Emission Levels Including Particulate Mass from an HSDI Diesel Engine

Rickard Ehleskog, Raul Lima Ochoterena, Sven B Andersson
SAE Technical Papers (SAE-2007-01-0910)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Optical diagnostics of Soot in optically dense sprays

Raul Lima Ochoterena

Determination of soot size and concentration in optically dense sprays by optical methods

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Mats Andersson, Sven B Andersson
10th Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, 2006. Zurich, 21st -23rd August
Paper i proceeding

Ignition Phenomena in the Chalmers High Pressure High Temperature Spray Rig

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Sven B Andersson
1st Baltic Combustion Meeting, p. 149-152
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Flow in Nozzles and Its Influence on Spray Behaviour

Raul Lima Ochoterena, Sven B Andersson
ILASS 2004
Paper i proceeding

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