Markus Olander Burak
Visar 20 publikationer
Acoustic Mode Analysis of a Supersonic Jet
Dynamic Mode Decomposition Applied to a Detached-Eddy Simulation of Separated Nozzle Flow
Supersonic turbojet noise reduction
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Supersonic Convergent-Divergent Nozzle
Techniques for supersonic turbojet noise reduction
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Novel Acoustic Liner Concept
Micro-Jet Flow Control for Noise Reduction of a Supersonic Jet from a Practical C-D Nozzle
Large Eddy Simulation for the Analysis of Supersonic Jet Noise Suppression Devices
Near-Field Jet Noise from a Supersonic C-D Chevron Nozzle
Forward Flight Effects on the Shock Structure From a Chevron C-D Nozzle
Comparison of Flow Control Methods Applied to Conical C-D Nozzles
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Supersonic C-D Nozzle
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Supersonic C-D Chevron Nozzle
Supersonic Jet Noise from a Conical C-D Nozzle with Forward Flight Effects
Validation of a Time- and Frequency-Domain Grazing Flow Acoustic Liner Model
Validation of a Time & Frequency Domain Grazing Flow Acoustic Liner Model
Flow and noise predictions for a mixer-ejector engine configuration using LES
Large Eddy Simulation for the Analysis of Jet Noise Suppression Devices
LES based jet noise prediction for mixer-ejector configurations including acoustic liner model
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