Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah

Gästforskare vid Informationssäkerhet

Image of Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah

Visar 7 publikationer


Language-Based Security and Privacy in Web-driven Systems

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah

Poster: Data Minimization by Construction for Trigger-Action Applications

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah, Daniel Hedin, Andrei Sabelfeld
CCS 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p. 3522-3524
Paper i proceeding

LazyTAP: On-Demand Data Minimization for Trigger-Action Applications

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah, Daniel Hedin, Andrei Sabelfeld
Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. Vol. 2023-May, p. 3079-3097
Paper i proceeding

Nontransitive Policies Transpiled

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah, Aslan Askarov, Andrei Sabelfeld
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Euro S and P 2021, p. 543-561
Paper i proceeding

Securing Node-RED Applications

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah, Musard Balliu, Daniel Hedin et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 13066 LNCS, p. 1-21
Kapitel i bok

Securing Software in the Presence of Third-Party Modules

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah

SandTrap: Securing JavaScript-driven Trigger-Action Platforms

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadpanah, Daniel Hedin, Musard Balliu et al
Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, p. 2899-2916
Paper i proceeding

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