Andreas Berntsson
Visar 13 publikationer
HCCI combustion using Charge Stratification and Spark-assistance
A LIF-study of OH in the Negative Valve Overlap of a Spark-assisted HCCI Combustion Engine
A LIF-study of OH in the negative valve overlap of a spark-assisted HCCI combustion engine
HCCI combustion using charge stratification for combustion control
Optical study of HCCI Combustion using NVO and an SI Stratified Charge
LIF imaging of OH during the Negative Valve Overlap of a HCCI Combustion Engine
HCCI Combustion Using Charge Stratification for Combustion
An Experimental Study of a Spark-assisted Stratified Charge HCCI Engine
HCCI Combustion Using a Spark Ignited Stratified Charge
Spark Assisted HCCI Combustion Using a Stratified Hydrogen Charge
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