Mikael Ström
Visar 14 publikationer
Vulnerability analysis method for manufacturing Case study of emergency production of masks
New combination of methods for supporting a simplified set-based design approach
Applying lean principles and set-based approaches in product development
Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design
Unveiling fundamental relationships in industrial product development
Instant Set-Based Design, an Easy Path to Set-Based Design
Development of a methodology to implement set-based design in a day
Improving engineering change processes by using lean principles
A Method to Understand and Improve Your Engineering Processes Using Value Stream Mapping
Transformation to Lean Product Development – Approaches at Two Automotive Suppliers
Redesign of the Engineering Change Process of a Supplier in the Automotive Industry
Architectures for Mechatronic Product Data Integration in PLM Systems
Implementing Support for Management of Mechatronic Product Data in PLM Systems: Two Case Studies
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AI stödd utveckling av hjulupphängningar för vägfordon