Patrik Bergagård
Visar 14 publikationer
Sequence Planner: Supporting Integrated Virtual Preparation and Commissioning
Error handling within highly automated automotive industry: Current practice and research needs
On restart of automated manufacturing systems using restart states
Modeling and automatic calculation of restart states for an industrial windscreen mounting station
Calculating restart states using reset transitions
Calculating Restart States for Systems Modeled by Operations Using Supervisory Control Theory
Derivation of placement transitions for offline calculation of restart states
Deadlock avoidance for multi product manufacturing systems modeled as sequences of operations
Sequence Planning Using Multiple and Coordinated Sequences of Operations
Planning transport sequences for flexible manufacturing systems
Modular specification of forbidden states for supervisory control
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Effektivt underhåll för hållbara transportlösningar (EMATS)
RObot based Autonomous Refuse handling (ROAR)