Peter Forkman
Peter Forkman är prefekt på institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap.
Hans forskningsområde är markbaserade radiometermätningar av spårgaser i mellan och övre atmosfären. Arbetet innefattar framtagandet av såväl radiometersystem som av lämpliga mät och kalibreringsmetoder.
Visar 29 publikationer
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2021–2022
Recovery and validation of Odin/SMR long-term measurements of mesospheric carbon monoxide
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2017—2018
Ultra-wideband feed systems for the EVN and SKA - evaluated for VGOS
Accuracy assessment of the two WVRs, Astrid and Konrad, at the Onsala Space Observatory
A compact receiver system for simultaneous measurements of mesospheric CO and O3
The role of the QBO in the inter-hemispheric coupling of summer mesospheric temperatures
Seasonal variation in the correlation of airglow temperature and emission rate
The 22 GHz radio-aeronomy receiver at Onsala Space Observatory
Longest continous ground-based measurements of mesospheric CO
Ground based measurements of upper atmospheric CO and H2O using microwave radiometry
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