Pierre Johansson
Visar 16 publikationer
Challenges of handling assembly information in global manufacturing companies
Enhancing Future Assembly Information Systems – Putting Theory into Practice
Future Assembly Information Systems - Redefining the Manufacturing Systems of Tomorrow
Technology-assisted sharing of knowledge in industrialization processes
Assessment Based Information Needs in Manual Assembly
Data and Information Handling in Assembly Information Systems – A Current State Analysis
Global Truck Production - The Importance of Having a Robust Manufacturing Preparation Process
Automated analysis of interdependencies between product platforms and assembly operations
Use of Assembly Information in Global Production Networks
Formal analysis of product variability and the effects on assembly operations
Managing product and production variety - A language workbench approach
Current state of standardized work in automotive industry in Sweden
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Strategier för global montering (GAIS) 2
Strategi för globalisering av monteringsinstruktioner (GAIS)