Formal analysis of product variability and the effects on assembly operations
Paper i proceeding, 2015

A challenge for highly configurable products, like vehicles, is that the product system has to support all possible variants that can be configured by a customer. The production system is often highly automated with software in robots, machines and programmable logic controllers that need to be prepared to handle all possible variants. The link between the product and the assembly system can be expressed through operations where each operation models how a part in the bill-of-material is assembled to the product to be built. Typically the operations have precedence constraints that express that certain parts have to be assembled before other parts might be assembled. Given only the precedence constraints a product can generally be assembled in many different ways and through line balancing the operations are assigned to different stations, machines, and/or assembly workers. For configurable products the bill-of-material might be different for each variant, consequently the necessary operations will be different. However, since the operations have precedence constraints we have to make sure that all possible variants can be successfully assembled while still satisfying all precedence constraints. The contribution in this paper is a fully automated novel method that can determine if all possible product variants can be successfully assembled while still satisfying precedence constraints between operations.


Mathematical model

Model checking


Production systems



Amir Hossein Ebrahimi

Chalmers, Signaler och system, System- och reglerteknik

Knut Åkesson

Chalmers, Signaler och system, System- och reglerteknik

Pierre Johansson

Volvo Group

T. Lezama

Volvo Group

IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA

19460740 (ISSN) 19460759 (eISSN)

Vol. 2015-October
978-1-4673-7929-8 (ISBN)


Robotteknik och automation





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