Knut Åkesson
Knut Åkesson är forskare i industriell automation. Hans intresse är rigorösa metoder för testing av verifiering av styrsystem med viktiga tillämpningar inom säkerhetskritiska autonoma system samt maskininlärning och optimering av autonoma robotsystem.
Knut undervisar i reglerteknik samt i modell-baserad design av cyber-fysiska system. Knut är även ansvaig för civilingenjörsprogrammet i Automation och Mekatronik.

Visar 135 publikationer
Conflict-free electric vehicle routing problem: an improved compositional algorithm
On Input Generators for Cyber-Physical Systems Falsification
Structural Coverability for Intelligent Automation Systems
Fault localization for intelligent automation systems
Multi-Requirement Testing Using Focused Falsification
The impact of visualizing operational deviations on overall quality in assembly lines
Leveraging Conflicting Constraints in Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
Testing Cyber-Physical Systems Using a Line-Search Falsification Method
A Compositional Algorithm for the Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Solving the conflict-free electric vehicle routing problem using SMT solvers
Modelling and analysis of product platforms and assembly sequences with respect to variability
Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Input Pulse Generators
On the Use of Equivalence Classes for Optimal and Suboptimal Bin Packing and Bin Covering
An SMT Based Compositional Algorithm to Solve a Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Motion Prediction Based on Multiple Futures for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots
Evaluating Optimization Solvers and Robust Semantics for Simulation-Based Falsification
Industrial Temporal Logic Specifications for Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Multiple Objective Functions for Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Comparison of Exact and Approximate methods for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
Compact Representation of Time-Index Job Shop Problems Using a Bit-Vector Formulation
Enhancing Temporal Logic Falsification with Specification Transformation and Valued Booleans
A risk control framework for safe manufacturing workstations in view of COVID-19
On the use of equivalence classes for optimal and sub-optimal bin covering
SMT solvers for flexible job-shop scheduling problems: A computational analysis
Evaluating Two Semantics for Falsification using an Autonomous Driving Example
Comparative Case Studies of Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control
Applying valued booleans in testing of cyber-physical systems
SMT Solvers for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems: Models Comparison and Performance Evaluation
Using Valued Booleans to Find Simpler Counterexamples in Random Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
Evaluation of Photogrammetry for Use in Industrial Production Systems
Supremica–An Efficient Tool for Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems
Automated Mode Coverage Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems using Hybrid Automata
Objective functions for falsification of signal temporal logic properties in cyber-physical systems
Formulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems for the Inspection of Configuration Rules
Automated analysis of interdependencies between product platforms and assembly operations
Formal analysis of product variability and the effects on assembly operations
Symbolic Supervisory Control of Timed Discrete Event Systems
Supervisory Control for State-Vector Transition Models—A Unified Approach
Formal Methods for the Inspection of Vehicle Configuration Rules
Supervisory control of manufacturing systems using extended finite automata
An Empirical Study of Control Logic Specifications for Programmable Logic Controllers
Managing product and production variety - A language workbench approach
Symbolic Representation and Computation of Timed Discrete-Event Systems
Efficient Symbolic Supervisor Synthesis for Extended Finite Automata
Online support for shop-floor operators using body movements tracking
Symbolic State-Space Exploration and Guard Generation in Supervisory Control Theory
Towards Industrial Formal Specification of Programmable Safety Systems
Symbolic representation and computation of timed discrete event systems
Symbolic Computation of Nonblocking Control Function for Timed Discrete Event Systems
Development of Industrial Visualization Tools for Validation of Vehicle Configuration Rules
Sequence Planning Using Multiple and Coordinated Sequences of Operations
Verification of Item Usage Rules in Product Configuration
State-Vector Transition Model Applied to Supervisory Control
A Symbolic Approach to Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems Modeled as Finite Automata with Variables
A BDD-based Approach for Modeling Plant and Supervisor by Extended Finite Automata
BDD-based supervisory control on extended finite automata
Symbolic Computation of Reduced Guards in Supervisory Control
Modeling sequential resource allocation systems using Extended Finite Automata
Enumeration of valid partial configurations
Nonblocking and Safe Control of Discrete-Event Systems Modeled as Extended Finite Automata
A formal specification language for PLC-based control logic
Formal Specification and Verification of Industrial Control Logic Components
Practice of Industrial Control Logic Programming using Library Components
On Formal Analysis of IEC 61499 Applications, Part A: Modeling
Sequence Planning for Integrated Product, Process and Automation Design
Relations Identification and Visualization for Sequence Planning and Automation Design
Modular specification of forbidden states for supervisory control
Symbolic approach to nonblocking and safe control of extended Finite Automata
On Formal Analysis of IEC 61499 Applications, Part B: Execution Semantics
Supervisor Computation and Representation: A Case Study
Verification of Process Operations Using Model Checking
SAT-Solving in Practice, with a Tutorial Example from Supervisory Control
Verification of Supervisory Control Properties of Finite Automata Extended with Variables
Supervisory Control Applied to Automata Extended with Variables - Revised
Definition of the Execution Model Used in the Fuber IEC 61499 Runtime Environment
Formal Specification and Verification of Components for Industrial Logic Control Programming
Extraction and Representation of a Supervisor Using Guards in Extended Finite Automata
Reusable Components for Industrial Logic Control Programming
Solving Two Supervisory Control Benchmark Problems Using Supremica
Supervisory Control using Satisfiability Solvers
Towards a Framework for Integrated Supervisory and Logic Control
PLC-based Implementation of Process Observation and Fault Detection for Discrete Event Systems
A framework for integrated supervisory and logic control framework
Supervisory control applied to automata extended with variables
Modeling of Discrete Event Systems using Finite Automata With Variables
Compositional Synthesis of Maximally Permissive Supervisors Using Supervision Equivalence
A Study of Industrial Logic Control Programming Using Library Components
Minimization of Expected Cycle Time in Manufacturing Cells with Uncontrollable Behavior
Implementing a Control System Framework for Automatic Generation of Manufacturing Cell Controllers
Modeling of Discrete Event Systems using Finite Automata With Variables
Efficient Reachability Analysis on Modular Discrete-Event Systems using Binary Decision Diagrams
Formal Modeling of Function Block Applications Running in IEC 61499 Execution Runtime
A Framework for Component Based Distributed Control Software Development Using IEC 61499
Implementation of full synchronous composition using IEC 61499 function blocks
Automatic Implementation And Verification Of Coordinating PLC-Code For Robot Cells
Supervision of Multiple Industrial Robots - Optimal and Collision Free Work Cycles
Controllability Revisited: A Generalization for the Modular Approach
Automatic Multi Robot Coordination
Supremica - A Tool for Verification and Synthesis of Discrete Event Supervisors
Computer-Human Supervision of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Hybrid Computer-Human Supervision of Discrete Event Systems
Exploiting Modularity for Synthesis and Verification of Supervisors
Coordination of batches in flexible production
Implementing supervisory control for chemical batch processes
Petri net models in batch control
Deadlock avoidance in batch processes
Modular Control for Avoiding Deadlock in Batch Processes
Modular Supervisors for Deadlock Avoidance in Batch Processes
Discrete Event Models in Batch Control
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Datorseende och maskininlärning för robotsystem
Systematisk testning av cyberfysiska system (SyTeC)
Modellbaserad Testning av Mekatroniska System (TESTRON)
An Internet-based Collaborative Platform for Managing Manufacturing Knowledge (Know4Car)