Peter Öhman
Visar 21 publikationer
Software cost estimation inhibitors—a case study in automotive context
On hardware resource consumption for aspect-oriented implementation of fault tolerance
Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Fault Tolerance: An Assessment of Overhead
Automotive Safety Case – A Qualitative Case Study of Drivers, Usages, and Issues
Software Cost Estimation Inhibitors - A Case Study
A Practitioners Guide to Light Weight Software Process Assessment and Improvement Planning
A Practitioner's Guide to Light Weight Software Process Assessment and Improvement Planning
Implementing Fault Tolerance Using Aspect Oriented Programming
Defects in Automotive Use Cases
An Empirical Quality Assessment of Automotive Use Cases
Evaluation of Hazard Identification Methods in the Automotive Domain
Assessment of Hazard Identification Methods for the Automotive Domain
An initial study of an automotive software engineering laboratory
An Empirical Quality Assessment of Automotive Use cases
Automotive use case standard for embedded systems
A technique for fault tolerance assessment of COTS
Improved control of automotive software suppliers
Aspect oriented software implemented node level fault tolerance
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