Richard Berntsson Svensson

Visar 22 publikationer
An Empirical Study on Decision-Making Aspects in Responsible Software Engineering for AI
Not all requirements prioritization criteria are equal at all times: A quantitative analysis
Not All Conflicts Are the Same: An Empirical Study of Requirement Conflicts in Practice
Agile software development one year into the COVID-19 pandemic
Evaluating the Effects of Different Requirements Representations on Writing Test Cases
The unfulfilled potential of data-driven decision making in agile software development
Thinking strategically about knowledge management in agile software development
A study of value in agile software development organizations
Measuring team innovativeness: A multiple case study of agile and lean software developing companies
On the journey to continuous deployment: technical and social challenges along the way
Creativity Techniques for More Creative Requirements: Theory vs. Practice
Handling Non-functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: An Ongoing Industrial Survey
Welcome from the workshop chairs
Challenges When Adopting Continuous Integration: A Case Study
Effects of Feature Complexity on Software Effort Estimates - an Exploratory Study
Reflecting on Evidence-Based Timelines
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Gender-fair Education in Practical and Project Work in Computer Science