Fredrik Schöier
Visar 39 publikationer
Herschel/HIFI observations of the circumstellar ammonia lines in IRC+10216
The abundance of HCN in circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars of different chemical type
Herschel/HIFI observations of red supergiants and yellow hypergiants I. Molecular inventory
Herschel/HIFI observations of O-rich AGB stars: molecular inventory
Imaging the Circumstellar Dust Distribution around AGB Stars with the NOT/PolCor Instrument
A HIFI View of Circumstellar H2O Emission from the S-type AGB Star X Cyg
The Mass-Loss Rates and Molecular Abundances of S-type AGB Stars
A Pilot Imaging Line Survey of RW LMi and IK Tau Using the Expanded Very Large Array
Imaging the circumstellar dust around AGB stars with PolCor
Detached Shells of Dust and Gas around Carbon Stars
AGB Mass-Loss Characteristics: Rates, Temporal Variation, and Geometries
Polarisation observations of VY Canis Majoris H2O 532-441 620.701 GHz maser emission with HIFI
Herschel/HIFI deepens the circumstellar NH3 enigma
Discovery of water vapour in the carbon star V Cygni from observations with Herschel/HIFI
The detached dust and gas shells around the carbon star U Antliae
Herschel/HIFI observations of high-J CO transitions in the protoplanetary nebula CRL 618
High-resolution HST/ACS images of detached shells around carbon stars
The detached dust and gas shells around the carbon star U Ant
Circumstellar molecular line emission from S-type AGB stars: mass-loss rates and SiO abundances
MERLIN observations of OH/IR stars
MERLIN observations of OH/IR stars
The 1 mm spectrum of VY Canis Majoris: Chemistry in an O-rich envelope
Circumstellar H2O in M-type AGB stars
Probing chemical processes in AGB stars
On the reliability of mass-loss-rate estimates for AGB stars
The physics and chemistry of circumstellar envelopes of S-stars on the AGB
The Distribution of H13CN in the Circumstellar Envelope around IRC+10216
The abundance of SiS in circumstellar envelopes around AGB stars
An atomic and molecular database for analysis of submillimetre line observations
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