Taissa Danilovich
Visar 24 publikationer
ATOMIUM: Molecular inventory of 17 oxygen-rich evolved stars observed with ALMA
Chemical tracers of a highly eccentric AGB–main-sequence star binary
(Sub)stellar companions shape the winds of evolved stars
ALMA spectrum of the extreme OH/IR star OH 26.5+0.6
Reduction of the maximum mass-loss rate of OH/IR stars due to unnoticed binary interaction
Molecular line study of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae: ALMA observations of CS, SiS, SiO and HCN
PACS and SPIRE range spectroscopy of cool, evolved stars
Water isotopologues in the circumstellar envelopes of M-type AGB stars
(HCN)-C-12 and (HCN)-C-13 excitation analysis in the circumstellar outflow of R Sculptoris
Sulphur-bearing molecules in AGB stars. Part I. The occurrence of hydrogen sulphide
The circumstellar envelope around the S-type AGB star W Aql Effects of an eccentric binary orbit
Sulphur molecules in the circumstellar envelopes of M-type AGB stars
Classifying the secondary component of the binary star W Aquilae
Detailed Modelling of the Circumstellar Envelope of the S-type AGB Star W Aquilae
Detailed modelling of the circumstellar molecular line emission of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae
Studies of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae : The circumstellar envelope and the fain companion
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Key-Programmes with Herschel. The circle of Stellar life