Emma Tivesten
Visar 19 publikationer
Driver Visual Attention Before and After Take-Over Requests During Automated Driving on Public Roads
The influence of alcohol and automation on drivers’ visual behavior during test track driving
Driver response to take-over requests in real traffic
Automation aftereffects: the influence of automation duration, test track and timings
It’s about time! Earlier take-over requests in automated driving enable safer responses to conflicts
Driver conflict response during supervised automation: Do hands on wheel matter?
L3Pilot Deliverable: L3/L4 long-term study about user experiences
Out-of-the-loop crash prediction: The Automation Expectation Mismatch (AEM) algorithm
Automation Expectation Mismatch: Incorrect Prediction Despite Eyes on Threat and Hands on Wheel
Driving context and visual-manual phone tasks influence glance behavior in naturalistic driving
Dialling, texting, and reading in real world driving: When do drivers choose to use mobile phones?
Nonresponse analysis and adjustment in a mail survey on car accidents
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
L3Pilot - Piloting Automated Driving on European Roads