Maria Lindholm
Visar 23 publikationer
Introducing elements of due diligence in sustainable urban freight transport planning
An exploratory review of approaches to improving construction logistics in urban areas
Identifying the Need for Freight to be Included in Local Authority Transport Planning
Partnerships among Stakeholders
Freight Quality Partnerships around the world: 1st report on a survey
A comparative study of urban freight transport planning: addressing stakeholder needs
Local Authority Cooperation with Urban Freight Stakeholders: A Comparison of Partnership Approaches
Urban freight transport from a local authority perspective-A literature review
Enabling sustainable development of urban freight from a local authority perspective
How Local Authority Decision Makers Address Freight Transport in the Urban Area
Challenges in urban freight transport planning - A review in the Baltic Sea Region
How local authorities can include freight in their transport planning process
How local authority decision makers counter freight transport issues in the urban area
Collaborative Urban Transport Solution (CUTS) State of the Art report
A holistic approach to challenges in urban freight transport planning
The impact of urban freight transport: a definition of sustainability from an actors perspective
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Hållbara godstransporter i citymiljö