Alexey Vdovin
Mer information om Alexey finner du på Chalmers Engelska sidor.
Visar 19 publikationer
A test rig for the validation of CFD simulations of a passenger vehicle under hood environment
Safe speeds for a heavy articulated vehicle when passing a floating bridge tower under crosswind
Vehicle Underhood Environment Investigations Using a Simplified Test Rig
Effects of wind loads and floating bridge motion on intercity bus lateral stability
Aerodynamic and thermal modelling of disc brakes - Challenges and limitations
Replicating Brake Cooling Tests by using Coupled CAE Simulations
A coupled approach for vehicle brake cooling performance simulations
On the Aerodynamic Performance of two Silver Arrows from the Thirties
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Brake Cooling for Passenger Cars
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Aerodynamic and Thermal Aspects of Rotating Wheels
Influence of Rims and Tyres on the Aerodynamic Resistance of Passenger Vehicles
Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Resistance of Passenger Cars
Investigation of Aerodynamic Resistance of Rotating Wheels on Passenger Cars
Investigation of Wheel Ventilation-Drag using a Modular Wheel Design Concept
Aerodynamic Wheel Force Measurements on a Detailed Scale-Model Car – Possibilities and Challenges
Road Vehicle Aerodynamics at Chalmers University and Forces Acting on the Rotating Wheel
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Online visualization of road dust, from in-situ measurements to public awareness (DUST)
AI-baserat kontrollsystem för bärplansbåtar
Battery environmental conditions for safe operation in electric ships
Elektrisk och Termisk modellering av batteripack
Elektrisk fordonets batterikylsystem
Electrical Vehicle Battery Cooling System