Tommy Wiklind
Visar 17 publikationer
Detection of CH+, SH+, and their C-13- and S-34-isotopologues toward PKS 1830-211
OH+ and H2O+ absorption toward PKS 1830-211
On the absence of molecular absorption in high-redshift millimetre-band searches
Redshifted H I and OH absorption in radio galaxies and quasars
Molecular and atomic gas in the Local Group galaxy M 33
Star Formation and Molecular Gas in M83
Dense gas in luminous infrared galaxies
Upper limits to the water abundance in starburst galaxies
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
Molecular gas in the galaxy M 83 1. The molecular gas distribution
Molecular gas in the galaxy M 83 II . Kinematics of the molecular gas
On the colour-colour properties of the Extremely Red Objects
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