Xinchao Su
Visar 13 publikationer
Active wake-flow control for a notchback Ahmed body driven by a genetically inspired optimization
Numerical study of a generic ship’s airwake for understanding bi-stability mechanism
Active flow control of the airflow of a ship at yaw
Comparison of flow characteristics behind squareback bluff-bodies with and without wheels
Large eddy simulation of ship airflow control with steady Coanda effect
Aerodynamic influences of typical windbreak wall types on a high-speed train under crosswinds
On state instability of the bi-stable flow past a notchback bluff body
Floor motion's influence on wake asymmetry of a notchback bluff body
Drag reduction of ship airflow using steady Coanda effect
Evaluation of LES, IDDES and URANS for prediction of flow around a streamlined high-speed train
Influence of the rounded rear edge on wake bi-stability of a notchback bluff body
Blockage influence on bi-stable flows of a notchback bluff body
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