European boat design innovation group: The Marine Design Manifesto
Paper i proceeding, 2014

A manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an issue. It accepts a previously published opinion and promotes a new idea with prescriptive notions for carrying out changes that the authors believe should be made. Marine Design is presented as an interdisciplinary holistic approach to boat design, based on the methodologies of Industrial Design, which are informed by both Human Factors and Engineering. The authors as experts in their respective disciplines present the Marine Design Manifesto as a framework for innovation within the marine industry. In every professional field there are definitive texts, this paper provides advocacy for Marine Design, an interdisciplinary approach in its infancy. The authors review key Industrial Design manifestos in the context of Marine Design. They then present a contextualised Marine Design manifesto. © 2014: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects.


S. McCartan

Coventry University

D. Harris

Coventry University

B. Verheijden

Coventry University

Monica Lundh

Chalmers, Sjöfart och marin teknik, Maritime Operations

Margareta Lützhöft

Chalmers, Sjöfart och marin teknik, Maritime Operations

D. Boote

Università degli Studi di Genova

J.J. Hopman

TU Delft

F.E.H.M. Smulders

TU Delft

K. Norby

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)

RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Marine Design, Papers

978-190902429-8 (ISBN)


Marin teknik



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