Monica Lundh
Visar 64 publikationer
What to learn from support functions to improve maritime safety?
Navigators’ views of a collision avoidance decision support system for maritime navigation
Operationalizing COLREGs in SMART ship navigation
Automation and the imbrication of human and material agency: A sociomaterial perspective
Using operational scenarios in a virtual reality enhanced design process
Artificial Intelligence in Maritime Navigation: A Human Factors Perspective
Preventing Unruly Technologies in Maritime Navigation: A Systems Approach
From ethnographic research to big data analytics - A case of maritime energy-efficiency optimization
The implementation of e-Navigation services: Are we ready?
The human factor in the digital age
Towards holistic performance-based conceptual design of Arctic cargo ships
Non‑technical communication factors at the Vessel Traffic Services
Integrating Participatory Practices in Ship Design and Construction
Work environment and safety climate in the Swedish merchant fleet
Evaluating a digital ship design tool prototype: Designers' perceptions of novel ergonomics software
Pre-study on sustainability indices for shipping
Supporting participatory practices in ship design and construction - Challenges and opportunities
The role of distributed cognition in ship energy optimization
Arbetsmiljö och säkerhet på svenska fartyg
Command and Control of Unmanned Vessels: Keeping Shore Based Operators in-the-Loop
Operational requirements in the engine room and engine control room
Transparency within automated engine control systems: The case of the Savannah Express
European boat design innovation group: The Marine Design Manifesto
Visualizing design problems and solutions of workstations on ships
Ship sense - striving for harmony in ship manoeuvring
Exploring non-technical miscommunication in vessel traffic service operation
Onboard ship management overview system - an information sharing system on board
The conceptual roles of negative and positive affectivity in the stressor-strain relationship
Virtual Creative Tool – Next generation’s simulator
Evacuation in Practice - Observations from Five Full Scale Exercises
Engine Control Rooms Human factors - field studies
Engine Control Rooms – Human factors
Engine control room - Human factors
Maritime Application of Control Systems
Maritime application of control systems
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
SEDNA - Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case
Maskinrumsergonomi och säkerhet
Hur göra energieffektivitet till en prioritet för fartygsbesättning?