Margareta Lützhöft
Visar 65 publikationer
Design-driven innovation: Mothership concepts for accessing the far shore wind farms
European boat design innovation group: The Marine Design Manifesto
Functions, performances and perceptions of work on ships
Examining interactive surfaces for maritime operations
Communicating intended routes in ECDIS: Evaluating technological change
Onboard ship management overview system - an information sharing system on board
Fatigue, Sleepiness and Sleep in Maritime Watch Systems: A Series of Simulator Studies
Decision support for vessel traffic service (VTS): user needs for dynamic risk management in the VTS
What is your intention? Communicating routes in electronic nautical charts
The effects of a 6 h on/6 h off maritime watch system on sleep
Sleep and sleepiness while on watch in a simulated '4 h on/8 h off' maritime watch system
Sleep and fatigue in bridge officers working 6 h on and 6 h off - a simulator study
Research, design, and operations
Impact: More Than Maritime Risk Assessment
Interacting with Classic Design Engineering
"Safety is everywhere" - The constituents of maritime safety
Subjective and objective sleepiness in a simulated "4 hours on/8 hours off" maritime watch system
Behaviour of deck officers with new assistance systems in the maritime domain
Information Environment, Fatigue and Culture in the Maritime Domain
Performance of Seafarers During Extended Simulation Runs
Usability Heuristics: Friend or Foe in Maritime Navigation Instrument Design?
Virtually being there: Human aspects of shore-based ship assistance
Enacting Reliability: First Steps to Define Safety in the VTS Domain.
Making the Phantom Real: A Case of Applied Maritime Human Factors
Fatigue at Sea in Swedish Shipping-A Field Study
Ethnography re-engineered: the two tribes problem
The context matters: Maritime safety in the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Domain
Epistemology in ethnography: assessing the quality of knowledge in human factors research
Evacuation in Practice - Observations from Five Full Scale Exercises
The Whats, Whens, Whys and Hows of VTS Operator use of Sensor Information
Shore-based pilotage: Pilot or autopilot? Piloting as a control problem
A Human Factors Approach to the Design of Maritime Software Applications
An experimental simulation study of advanced decision support system for ship navigation
Rule- and Role-retreat: An empirical study of procedures and resilience
Ship sense - what is it and how does one get it?
The Subject, not just an object: Safety construction in the Vessel Traffic Service Domain
Talk and trust before technology: First steps toward shore-based pilotage
Who Cares and Who Pays? The Stakeholders of Maritime Human Factors
Maritime Application of Control Systems
Function-based manning - a pilot study
Integration work on the ship’s bridge
Fatigue at sea: effects of the two-watch system
Maritime application of control systems
Another day, another dollar - Cost-benefit of Human Factors in Shipping
Developing User Needs for S-Mode
MTO-Sea: Competent Cadets Make Safer Systems
Fairway Navigation - Observing Safety-Related Performance in a Bridge Simulator
Show me where you look and I'll tell you if you're safe: Eye tracking of maritime watchkeepers
Fatigue at Sea: A field study in Swedish shipping
Fatigue at sea: A field study in Swedish shipping
Engine Control Rooms - Human Factors
Eye tracking of maritime watch-keepers: What's safe navigation pattern?
Making Safety by Tying the Knot: Examining Resilience in Shipping
Piloting by heart and by chart
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Situation Awareness and Decision Support Tools for demanding marine operations (SITAWARE/SITUMAR)