Effect of zein protein and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose on the texture of model gluten-free bread
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2019

The influence of zein protein and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) on the texture and volume of gluten-free bread was investigated. The addition of HPMC to starch affected the dough viscoelasticity and it improved the bread volume during baking since it acts as an emulsifier. The addition of zein protein to gluten-free bread increased the crumb firmness and reduced the crust hardness within the range of concentrations investigated. No zein protein network could be observed in the bread crumb. The zein protein, cold mixed at low concentration, did not enhance the dough elasticity. Due to the lack of a protein network noncovalent interactions may stabilize the bubble structure stabilization within the crumb, rather than covalent links of the protein chain. With an optimized amount of zein protein and HPMC hydrocolloid, the gluten-free bread showed similar texture and staling behavior to that of model wheat bread. The optimized recipe, compiled into a spreadsheet, is available in the supporting information. The microstructural observations suggest that zein could be replaced with another protein for this recipe resulting in a similar bread texture.







M. Berta

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Ingrid Koelewijn

HAS Hogeschool

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

C. Ohgren

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Mats Stading

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Konstruktionsmaterial

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Journal of Texture Studies

0022-4901 (ISSN) 17454603 (eISSN)

Vol. 50 4 341-349

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Biokemi och molekylärbiologi





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