GIS-based Time model. Urban development in Gothenburg, 1960 to present
Rapport, 2019
Extensive research in this direction has taken place in recent years, that has also spilled over to urban design practice, not least in Sweden, where the idea that to understand the part you need to understand the whole is starting to be established. With the GIS-based Time model for Gothenburg that we present here, we address the next challenge. Place is not only something defined by its spatial relation to all other places in its system, but also by its history, or its evolution over time. Since the built form of the city changes over time, often by cities growing but at times also by cities shrinking, the spatial relation between places changes over time. If cities tend to grow, and most often by extending their periphery, it means that most places get a more central location over time. If this is a general tendency, it does not mean that all places increase their centrality to an equal degree. Depending on the structure of the individual city’s spatial form, different places become more centrally located to different degrees as well as their relative distance to other places changes to different degrees. The even more fascinating notion then becomes apparent; places move over time! To capture, study and understand this, we need a "time model".
The GIS-based time model of Gothenburg consists of:
• 12 GIS-layers of the street network, from 1960 to 2015, in 5-year intervals
• 12 GIS-layers of the buildings from 1960 to 2015, in 5-year intervals
• 12 GIS- layers of the plots from1960 to 2015, in 5-year intervals
In the GIS-based Time model, for every time-frame, the combination of the three fundamental components of spatial form, that is streets, plots and buildings, provides a consistent description of the built environment at that particular time. The evolution of three components can be studied individually, where one could for example analyze the changing patterns of street centrality over time by focusing on the street network; or, the densification processes by focusing on the buildings; or, the expansion of the city by way of occupying more buildable land, by focusing on plots. The combined snapshots of street centrality, density and land division can provide insightful observations about the spatial form of the city at each time-frame; for example, the patterns of spatial segregation, the distribution of urban density or the patterns of sprawl. The observation of how the interrelated layers of spatial form together evolved and transformed through time can provide a more complete image of the patterns of urban growth in the city.
The time model was created following the principles of the model of spatial form of the city, as developed by the Spatial Morphology Group (SMoG) at Chalmers University of Technology, within the three-year research project ‘International Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL)’
The GIS-layers will be made available for download from SND (Swedish National Data Service) within 2020.
1. Batty, M. (2013), The New Science of Cities, Cambridge: MIT Press.
2. Hillier, B., (1996), Space Is the Machine. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press
Urban morphology
urban environment
longitudinal model
spatial analysis
urban planning
Spatial Morphology Group SMoG
urban development
Spatial morphology
urban history
Ioanna Stavroulaki
Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Stadsbyggnad
Lars Marcus
Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Stadsbyggnad
Meta Berghauser Pont
Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik, Stadsbyggnad
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2018 (Fusion Point Gothenburg – Delprojekt A-x2)
Älvstranden Utveckling, 2018-01-01 -- 2018-12-31.
Hållbar utveckling
Building Futures (2010-2018)
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Ekonomisk geografi
Älvstranden Utveckling
Relaterade dataset
GIS-baserad Tidsmodell. Göteborg, 1960-2015. Plots [dataset]
DOI: 10.5878/ke11-je22 ID: SND 1154