The Influence of Humidity Content on Ferritic Stainless Steels Used in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell under Dual Atmosphere Conditions at 600 C
Paper i proceeding, 2021

In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), interconnects are simultaneously exposed to dual atmosphere conditions in a range of temperature between 600 and 900 C. The presence of dissolved hydrogen in the steel can cause accelerated corrosion on the side exposed to air compared to exposures in air only. Moreover, the interconnect is subject to different humidity levels on the fuel side depending on fuel utilization. It has been already observed that a protective layer of chromia (Cr2O3) at the fuel side can mitigate the dual effect at the airside acting as a barrier for hydrogen permeation into the material. In this work, AISI 441 and Crofer 22 APU samples were exposed to dual atmosphere at 600 C under controlled humidity levels at the fuel side (20% vs. dry). Analysis performed showed how the humidity content on the fuel side largely affects the breakaway corrosion of the samples at the airside.


Luca Gagliani

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Alberto Visibile

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Kerem Gündüz

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (GYTE)

Jan-Erik Svensson

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Jan Froitzheim

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

ECS Transactions

19385862 (ISSN) 19386737 (eISSN)

Vol. 103 1 1809-1815
9781607685395 (ISBN)

17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, SOFC 2021
Stockholm, Sweden,


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