Jan-Erik Svensson
Jan-Erik Svensson bedriver forskning inom forskningsområdet materialkemi. Forskningen handlar om korrosionskemi av oorganiska material. Den kan delas i två delar:
1. Atmosfärisk korrosion
2. Högtemperatur oxidation och korrosion
Jan-Eriks forskning inom högtemperaturkorrosion behandlar fundamentala aspekter av oxidation och korrosion av högtemperaturlegeringar. Man fokuserar på mekanismer för den gradvisa uppbyggnaden respektive nedbrytandet av skyddande oxider. Jan-Erik är projektledare för flera projekt inom kompetenscentrum för högtemperatur korrosion (HTC). Forskning har betydelse för att lösa materialproblem vid tex biomassförbränning och i bränsleceller.
Inom forskningsområdet atmosfärisk korrosion bedriver han forskning kring lättmetaller samt inom området korrosion av vårt kulturarv. Jan-Erik har deltagit i ett flertal EU-projekt och är för närvarande med i två projekt SENSORGAN and METSOFC.

Visar 200 publikationer
Hydrogen-barrier coatings against dual-atmosphere corrosion for IT-SOFC interconnect applications
Novel coatings for protecting solid oxide fuel cell interconnects against the dual-atmosphere effect
Effect of Hydrogen on the Internal Oxidation of a Pd–Cr Alloy in Dual-Atmosphere Conditions
Efficacy of an external chromia layer in reducing nitridation of high temperature alloys
High temperature oxidation of AISI 441 in simulated solid oxide fuel cell anode side conditions
Exploring the Effect of Silicon on the High Temperature Corrosion of Lean FeCrAl Alloys in Humid Air
Reevaluating the Cr Evaporation Characteristics of Ce/Co Coatings for Interconnect Applications
On the early stages of localised atmospheric corrosion of magnesium–aluminium alloys
The Influence of KCl and HCl on the High-Temperature Oxidation of a Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo Steel at 400 °C
Exploring failure modes of alumina scales on FeCrAl and FeNiCrAl alloys in a nitriding environment
Cu-based coatings for IT-SOFC applications
Effective Reduction of Chromium-oxy-hydroxide Evaporation from Ni-Base Alloy 690
Interplay of water and reactive elements in oxidation of alumina-forming alloys
Temperature dependence of corrosion of ferritic stainless steel in dual atmosphere at 600–800 °C
The effect of pre-oxidation parameters on the corrosion behavior of AISI 441 in dual atmosphere
Does the conductivity of interconnect coatings matter for solid oxide fuel cell applications?
A Comparative Study of the Initial Corrosion of KCl and PbCl2 on a Low-Alloyed Steel
Metallic thin-film Co- and Ce/Co-coated steels as interconnect material in IT-SOFC
High-Temperature Oxidation of FeCr(Ni) Alloys: The Behaviour After Breakaway
Fundamentals and advances in magnesium alloy corrosion
Corrosion of Magnesium-Aluminum (Mg-Al) Alloys-An Interplay Between Al Content and CO2
Development of Robust Metal-Supported SOFCs and Stack Components in EU METSAPP Consortium
Long term (4 years) performance of Co/Ce coated 441 for SOFC interconnect applications
Influence of Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing on the Corrosion Behavior of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy
Evidence for an unusual temperature dependence of the atmospheric corrosion of zinc
Severe dual atmosphere effect at 600 °C for stainless steel 441
A new semi-solid casting technique for fabricating SiC-reinforced Mg alloys matrix composites
Metallic Bipolar Plates for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
On the microstructure and corrosion behavior of AZ91/SiC composites produced by rheocasting
A Laboratory Study of the in Situ Sulfation of Alkali Chloride Rich Deposits: Corrosion Perspective
Bobbin and conventional friction stir welding of thick extruded AA6005-T6 profiles
The Oxidation of Coated SOFC Interconnects in Fuel Side Environments
Corrosion behaviour of friction stir-welded AA6005-T6 using a bobbin tool
A ToF-SIMS investigation of the corrosion behavior of Mg alloy AM50 in atmospheric environments
New insights into the corrosion of magnesium alloys - The role of aluminum
Chromium vaporization from mechanically deformed pre-coated interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Coatings for SOFC interconnects in fuel side environments
Cyclic Corrosion and Chlorination of an FeCrAl Alloy in the Presence of KCl
The Influence of Cr Evaporation on Long Term Cr Depletion Rates in Ferritic Stainless Steels
Effect of Rheocasting on Corrosion of AM50 Mg Alloy
Copper Iron Conversion Coating for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects
Achieving superior corrosion resistance in friction stir processed AA6005-T6 aluminum alloy joints
Influence of temperature on the atmospheric corrosion of the Mg–Al alloy AM50
First Three-Dimensional Atomic Resolution Investigation of Thermally Grown Oxide on a FeCrAl Alloy
KCl-Induced Corrosion of the FeCrAl Alloy Kanthal® AF at 600°C and the Effect of H2O
Oxidation of Sanicro 25 (42Fe22Cr25NiWCuNbN) in O2 and O2 + H2O Environments at 600-750°C
The Influence of SO2 on the Corrosion of Mg and Mg-Al Alloys
NaCl-Induced Atmospheric Corrosion of the MgAl Alloy AM50-The Influence of CO2
Nano coated interconnects for SOFC (NaCoSOFC)
Oxidation of Co- and Ce-nanocoated FeCr steels: A microstructural investigation
Influence of chromium evaporation and oxidation on interconnect steels at 650-850°C
Oxidation behavior of a Mo(Si,Al)2 composite at 900–1600 C in dry air
Degradation of Ferritic steel interconnects in SOEC environments
Oxidation Behaviour of Sanicro 25 (42Fe22Cr25NiWCuNbN) in O-2/H2O Mixture at 600 degrees C
Alkali Induced High Temperature Corrosion of Stainless Steel: The Influence of NaCl, KCl and CaCl2
Multifunctional Nano-Coatings for SOFC Interconnects
KCl-Induced High Temperature Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel 304L – The Influence of SO2
Oxidation behaviour of a Mo(Si,Al)2 based composite at 1500 degrees C
Oxidation behavior at 300–1000C of a (Mo,W)Si2-based composite containing boride
Oxidation behavior of a Mo (Si, Al)(2)-based composite at 300-1000 degrees C
Investigation of Chromium Volatilization from FeCr Interconnects by a Denuder Technique
Oxidation of iron at 400-600 °C in dry and wet O2
Chromium evaporation of Coated and uncoated FE-22CR steels investigated by a novel denuder technique
Oxidation of FeCrAl foils at 500-900 degrees C in dry O-2 and O-2 with 40% H2O
An ESEM in-situ investigation of the influence of H
Cr evaporation of metallic interconnects: A novel method for quantification
Acetic Acid Vapor Corrosion of Lead-Tin Alloys Containing 3.4 and 15% Tin
Influence of SO2 on the oxidation of 304L steel in O-2+40%H2O at 600 degrees C
Atmospheric corrosion of historical organ pipes: The influence of environment and materials
The influence of H2O on iron oxidation at 600?C: a microstructural study.
Paralinear Oxidation of Chromium in O2 + H2O Environment at 600–700 °C
Atmospheric corrosion of lead - The influence of formic acid and acetic acid vapors
Initial stages of the HCl-induced high-temperature corrosion of alloy 310
Ramprogram – Åtgärder för samtidig minimering av alkalirelaterade driftproblem, Etapp 2
Influence of H2O(g) on the Oxide Microstructure of the Stainless Steel 353MA at 900°C in Oxygen.
The effect of traces of SO2 on iron oxidation: A microstructural study
Critical corrosion phenomena on superheaters in biomass and waste-fired boilers
Microstructural Investigation of Protective and Non-Protective Oxides on 11% Chromium Steel
The influence of sulphur additions on the corrosive environment in a waste-fired CFB boiler
TEM investigation of the base oxide formed on FeCrAl at 900°C in dry O2 and O2 with 40% H2O
Influence of acetic acid vapor on the atmospheric corrosion of lead
SEM investigation of reactive element particles on the surface of Kanthal AF oxidized at 900°C
Microstructural investigation of the influence of KCl on the corrosion of 304L exposed to 5% O2 + N2
The Formation of Oxide Scale on FeCrAl at 900°C in dry O2 and O2 + 40% H2O
Oxidation of FeCrAl alloys at 500-900 degrees C in dry O-2
The beneficial effect of water vapour on the oxidation at 600 and 700 °C of a MoSi2-based composite
The influence of sulphur additions on the corrosive environment in a waste-fired CFB boiler
Influence of ppb levels of SO2 on the atmospheric corrosion of aluminum in the presence of NaCl
Protective and nonprotective behavior of 11% Cr steel in O-2+H2O environment at 450-700 degrees C
Comparison of the oxidation behaviour of surface and inner bulk material of a MoSi2 based composite
The influence of water vapor on the oxidation of MoSi2 at 450 °C
On the Mechanism of MoSi2 Pesting in the Temperature Range 400–500°C
An Investigation of the Microstructure in the Pest Oxide of a MoSi2- Based Composite
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
High temperature corrosion and ash research, part 2
High temperature corrosion and ash research
Nya kostnadseffektiva legeringar för diesel reformering: NEW CARD
Förbättringar av livslängden av fastoxidbränsleceller-APU-för tunga fordonsapplikationer
Mer energieffektiva och miljöanpassade ytmaterialbehandlingar före lackering för bilindustrin
Metal supported SOFC technology for stationary and mobile applications (METSAPP)