Towards sustainable shipping: Evaluating the environmental impact of electrofuels
Licentiatavhandling, 2021
This licentiate thesis aims to study the potential impact on the natural environment from using electrofuels onboard vessels and to explore which factors act as the main influencers on the natural environment and human health. Life cycle assessment was selected to address these questions, and through case study application the first assessment of an electrofuel in the context of shipping was performed. Through a techno-environmental system approach, critical flows between the shipping fuel life cycle and the environment were identified.
The result points towards reductions of climate change impacts if renewable energy is used and CO2 is captured from a source not acting as a driver of fossil fuel extraction. Potential trade-offs were identified as electrofuels could lead to higher pressure on human health than today’s conventional fuels. The extent of these trade-offs is uncertain and affected by limitations in the method approach to the life cycle assessment of marine fuels. Suggestions on how to address these uncertainties, such as detailed system boundary definitions, are brought forward and analyzed based on the current state-of-the-art. The findings discussed in this licentiate thesis aim to promote further discussion around how to assess emerging fuel and propulsion technologies and the potential impact of future marine fuels.
environmental assessment
emerging technology
marine fuels
human health
future fuel
sustainable shipping
carbon utilization
carbon capture
Elin Malmgren
Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Maritima studier
Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/768945), 2018-05-01 -- 2021-04-30.
Är LBG en del av lösningen på sjöfartens utsläpp av växthusgaser?
Energimyndigheten (50435-1), 2020-06-15 -- 2021-12-31.
Hållbar utveckling
Innovation och entreprenörskap
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Annan naturresursteknik
Thesis for the degree of Licentiate – Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences: 2021:17
Blacken, Saga, Lindholmen, Chalmers
Opponent: Prof Dr Ir Andrea Ramirez Ramirez, Tu Delft, Netherlands