Comparison of neutron noise solvers based on numerical benchmarks in a 2-D simplified UOX fuel assembly
Paper i proceeding, 2021

In the CORTEX project, several solvers are developed and applied to analyze neutron noise problems. They are based on Monte Carlo and deterministic (higher-order transport and diffusion) methods. For the study of their validity and limitations, an extensive verification and validation work has been undertaken and includes the simulation of numerical exercises and experiments. In the current paper the solvers are compared over two neutron noise benchmarks defined in a 2-D simplified UOX fuel assembly, with Monte Carlo used as a reference. In the two exercises, a global neutron noise source and a combination of stationary perturbations of the various cross sections are respectively prescribed. The higher-order neutron transport methods provide consistent results with respect to Monte Carlo. The calculations obtained from the diffusion-based solvers show discrepancies that can be significant, in particular close to the neutron noise source.

neutron diffusion theory

neutron transport

higher-order transport methods

Monte Carlo

neutron noise


Paolo Vinai

Chalmers, Fysik, Subatomär, högenergi- och plasmafysik

Huaiqian Yi

Chalmers, Fysik, Subatomär, högenergi- och plasmafysik

Antonios Mylonakis

Chalmers, Fysik, Subatomär, högenergi- och plasmafysik

Christophe Demaziere

Chalmers, Fysik, Subatomär, högenergi- och plasmafysik

B. Gasse

Université Paris-Saclay

A. Rouchon

Université Paris-Saclay

A. Zoia

Université Paris-Saclay

A. Vidal-Ferrandiz

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)

D. Ginestar

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)

G. Verdú

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)

T. Yamamoto

Kyoto University

Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021)

9781713886310 (ISBN)

Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021)
Online, USA,

Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration (CORTEX)

Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/754316), 2017-09-01 -- 2021-08-31.



Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Annan fysik





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