Christophe Demaziere
Professor Demazière leder DREAM-gruppen på Chalmers (Deterministic REactor Modelling). DREAM är en tvärvetenskaplig grupp med kompetens inom neutrontransport, strömningslära, värmeöverföring och numeriska metoder. Syftet med gruppen är att utveckla framtida state-of-the-art-tekniker för att modellera kärnreaktorer, vilket bidrar till förbättrade simuleringsverktyg och ökad säkerhet. Prof. Demazière föreläser i kurser inom fysik och modellering av kärnreaktorer. Dessa kurser hanterar de olika fysikaliska- och flerskaliga processerna i sådana system. Han är medlem i American Nuclear Society.

Visar 241 publikationer
Editorial - Annals of Nuclear Energy
Open self-paced introductory course in nuclear engineering – How to guarantee student learning
GRE@T-PIONEeR: teaching the nuclear data pipeline using innovative pedagogical methods
Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors
On the simulation of neutron noise induced by vibrations of fuel pins in a fuel assembly
Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – Example of a flipped hybrid course
Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations
Understanding the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in linear theory
On the modelling of fuel assembly vibrations using coarse mesh approaches
Sensitivity analysis in core diagnostics
Verification of the code DYN3D for calculations of neutron flux fluctuations
Uncertainty analyses of neutron noise simulations in a Zero-Power reactor
Understanding xenon oscillations through physics-based Reduced Order Modelling
Active coding assignments in nuclear reactor modelling
En hybrid miljö – interaktion, lärarstöd och fördjupat lärande
Machine learning for analysis of real nuclear plant data in the frequency domain
Scaffolding student learning in computational physics
Development and test of a novel neutronic verification scheme for Molten Salt Reactors
Flipping an online module in computational physics
CORE SIM+: A flexible diffusion-based solver for neutron noise simulations
Understanding the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in linear theory
On the simulation of neutron noise using a discrete ordinates method
Combining simulations and machine learning for neutron noise-based core diagnostics
Analysis of the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations
Monte Carlo-based dynamic calculations of stationary perturbations
A time and frequency domain analysis of the effect of vibrating fuel assemblies on the neutron noise
The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom
Nuclear reactor modeling through distance learning
A finite element method for neutron noise analysis in hexagonal reactors
Neutronic Simulation of Fuel Assembly Vibrations in a Nuclear Reactor
The CORTEX project: Improving nuclear fleet operational availability
Numerical solution of two-energy-group neutron noise diffusion problems with fine spatial meshes
Using active learning in hybrid learning environments
Neutron noise-based anomaly classification and localization using machine learning
CORE SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements
Using active learning in hybrid learning environments
Neutronic simulation of fuel assembly vibrations in a nuclear reactor
PARCS vs CORE SIM neutron noise simulations
Neutron noise modelling for nuclear reactor diagnostics
Towards the validation of neutron noise simulators: Qualification of data acquisition systems
Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project on Sodium Fast Reactor Safety: status after 18 months
Development of a frequency-domain reactor noise simulator based on a neutron transport method
Two-level multigrid preconditioning of a neutron noise diffusion solver
Does participation affect performance in a flipped online course?
Towards a deep unified framework for nuclear reactor perturbation analysis
Omvänt klassrum på distans i kärnreaktormodellering
JHR neutron deterministic calculation scheme improvement thanks to Monte Carlo analysis in depletion
Pin-wise homogenization for SP N neutron transport approximation using the finite element method
JFNK preconditioning for coupled BWR calculations
A deep learning approach to anomaly detection in nuclear reactors
Overview of the CORTEX project
Setting up a room to cater to online learners’ needs
Noise-based core monitoring and diagnostics – Overview of the CORTEX project
Schwarz type preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation
Discontinuity factors for 1D PN equations using a Finite Element Method
QZ-decomposition for matrix-free sweep with high order DG-FEM
Development and test of a new verification scheme for transient core simulators
A deterministic against Monte-Carlo depletion calculation benchmark for JHR core configurations
A numerical framework for bubble transport in a subcooled fluid flow
On the dynamics of instabilities in two-fluid models for bubbly flows
Development of a point-kinetic verification scheme for nuclear reactor applications
Core diagnostics using noise analysis: From proof-of-principle to industrial demonstration
Using quizzes and students’ feedback for just-in-time teaching
Homogenization techniques for the neutron transport equation using the finite element method
On the formation of meso-scale structures in dispersed gas-liquid flows
Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods
Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment
Assessment of Critical Heat Flux correlations in narrow rectangular channels
Void reactivity (Cmn) coefficients as indicators of boiling water reactor stability
Substructuring preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation
Improving teachers-students interactions in web-based courses
Numerical investigation of instabilities in the two-fluid model for CFD simulations of LWRs
A Two-fluid/DQMOM Methodology for Condensation in Bubbly Flow
Two-fluid model analyses of instabilities and non-uniformities in bubbly gas-liquid flows
Development and test of a transient fine-mesh LWR Multiphysics solver in a CFD Framework
Development of a Monte-Carlo based method for calculating the effect of stationary fluctuations
Using learning analytics in virtual learning environments
Modelling of stationary fluctuations in nuclear reactor cores in the frequency domain
User's manual of the coupled CORE SIM neutronic and thermo-hydraulic tool
Demonstration of the coupled CORE SIM neutronic and thermo-hydraulic tool
Further Development of the Core Simulator CORE SIM: Extension to coupled capabilities for BWRs
Reducing axial offset and improving stability in PWRs by using uranium-thorium fuel
Developing a course in nuclear reactor modelling and going from campus-based to web-based teaching
On the prediction of single-phase forced convection heat transfer in narrow rectangular channels
Influence of an SN solver in a fine-mesh neutronics/thermal- hydraulics framework
On the validity of the two-fluid model for simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors
Students’ and teachers’ perspectives in going from campus-based to web-based teaching
Multi-physics modelling of nuclear reactors: current practices in a nutshell
A multi-group neutron noise simulator for fast reactors
Building a comprehensive nuclear education in Sweden
Validation of PARCS/RELAP5 Coupled codes against a Load Rejection Transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP
Neutron noise calculations in hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions
Investigation of local BWR instabilities with a four heated-channel Reduced Order Model
Comments on local power oscillation phenomenon at BWRs
Neutron noise calculations in a hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions
Improvement of LWR thermal margins by introducing thorium
On the possible dependence of the decay ratio on the void reactivity feedback
Comparison of the calculated neutron noise using finite differences and the Analytical Nodal Method
Development of a numerical tool for calculating the fluctuations in PWRs
Innovative use of Thorium in LWR fuel assemblies
Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis of BWR Core Parameters based on Flux Measurements
Description of the models and algorithms used in the CORE SIM neutronic tool
CORE SIM: A multi-purpose neutronic tool for research and education
Analysis of a loss of normal feedwater transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/Mod.3.3
Neutron Noise Calculations Using the Analytical Nodal Method
Noise Techniques in Nuclear Systems
Numerical tools applied to power reactor noise analysis
Method for investigating the applicability of thorium-based fules in existing BWRs
Calculation of the neutron noise using the Analytical Nodal Method
Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing BWRs
Development of computational methods and their applications for the analysis of nuclear power plants
Semi-analytical calculations of the neutron noise in 2-group theory for 1-D homogeneous systems
Development and validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS
Analysis of a loss of feedwater case at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes
Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 12
Validational exercises with RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes using Ringhals-3 plant data
Development of computational methods and their applications for the analysis of nuclear power plants
Development and validation of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR
Multi-fractal analysis of chaotic flashing-induced instabilities
Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring Stage 11
Development of a cross-section interface for PARCS
Determination of the fuel heat transfer dynamics via CFD for the purpose of noise analysis
Validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS
Development of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR
Numerical tools applied to power reactor noise analysis
Analysis methods for the determination of possible unseated fuel assemblies in BWRs
Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 10
On the possibility of the space-dependence of the stability indicator (decay ratio) of a BWR
Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 9
Investigation of the neutron noise induced by shell-mode core-barrel vibrations
Investigation of the frequency-dependence of the MTC noise estimator
Identification and localization of absorbers of variable strength in nuclear reactors
Development of a 2-D 2-group neutron noise simulator
On-line determination of the prompt fraction of in-core neutron detectors in CANDU reactors
Development and application of core diagnostics and monitoring for the Ringhals PWRs
Determination of the MTC by noise analysis methods
Study of the MTC estimation by noise analysis in 2-D heterogeneous systems
A phenomenological model for the explanation of a strongly space-dependent Decay Ratio
Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 8
Reactor physics calculations on MOX fuel in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)
Evaluation of the boron dilution method for Moderator Temperature Coefficient measurements
Theoretical investigation of the MTC noise estimate in 1-D homogeneous systems
2-D 2-group neutron noise simulator and its application to anomaly localisation
Analysis of the reactivity coefficients and the stability of a BWR loaded with MOX fuel
Theoretical investigation of the MTC noise estimate in 1-D homogeneous systems
Theory of neutron noise induced by spatially randomly distributed noise sources
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Ekvivalensmetoder för neutronbrus
Core monitoring and diagnostics in SMRs using reactor neutron noise and machine learning
Studier av härdstabilitet vid lastföljning med ROM-metoder
European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools (ESFR-Smart)
Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration (CORTEX)
Development of hybrid neutron transport methods and data visualization tools (HYBRID)
DEterministisk MOdellering av Jules HorowitzReaktorn (DEMO-JHR)