Christophe Demaziere

Full Professor at Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics

Professor Demazière is leading the DREAM task force at Chalmers (Deterministic REactor Modelling). DREAM is a cross-disciplinary group having expertise in neutron transport, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and numerical methods. The aim of the group is to develop beyond state-of-the-art techniques for modelling nuclear reactors, thus contributing to improved simulations tools and enhanced safety. Prof. Demazière is lecturing in courses on the physics and modelling of nuclear reactors. These courses deal with the multi-physic and multi-scale aspects of such systems. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society.

Image of Christophe Demaziere

Showing 241 publications


Editorial - Annals of Nuclear Energy

Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 212
Other text in scientific journal

Open self-paced introductory course in nuclear engineering – How to guarantee student learning

Christophe Demaziere, Torsten Fransson
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 417
Journal article

On reactor neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in large and small heterogenous water-cooled cores

Salma Hussein, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2024, p. 2408-2417
Paper in proceeding

Enhancing higher education through hybrid and flipped learning: Experiences from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Yihua Zhang et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 421
Journal article

GRE@T-PIONEeR: teaching the nuclear data pipeline using innovative pedagogical methods

Oscar Cabelllos, Christophe Demaziere, Sandra Dulla et al
Paper in proceeding

Education, training and mobility, knowledge management: towards a common effort to ensure a future workforce in Europe and abroad

Gabriel Lazaro Pavel, Joerg Starflinger, Christophe Demaziere et al
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies. Vol. 9
Review article

Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors

Mathieu Hursin, Andrea Zoia, Amélie Rouchon et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 194
Journal article

Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Stromberg Jamsvi et al
Book of All Abstracts and Papers, p. 202-204
Paper in proceeding

Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – Example of a flipped hybrid course

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023, p. 17-23
Paper in proceeding

On the simulation of neutron noise induced by vibrations of fuel pins in a fuel assembly

Paolo Vinai, Huaiqian Yi, Christophe Demaziere et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 181
Journal article

A three-dimensional two-energy group heterogeneous intrusive Reduced Order Model of xenon oscillations in PWRs

Kristoffer Pedersen, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai
Other conference contribution

Open source neutron noise modelling

Christophe Demaziere
Other conference contribution

Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations

Antoni Vidal, Damian Ginestar, A. Carreño et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 177
Journal article

Understanding the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in linear theory

Christophe Demaziere, Amélie Rouchon, Andrea Zoia
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 175
Journal article

Advanced numerical simulation and modeling for reactor safety - contributions from the CORTEX, McSAFER, and METIS projects

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Hugo Sanchez-Espinoza, Irmela Zentner
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies. Vol. 8
Review article

Recommendations for core monitoring to enhance the detection and discrimination of anomalies by neutron noise measurements

Joachim Herb, Christoph Bläsius, Christophe Demaziere et al
Kerntechnik. Vol. Proceedings 2022
Paper in proceeding

Sensitivity analysis in core diagnostics

Joachim Herb, Y. Perin, S. Yum et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 178
Journal article

On the modelling of fuel assembly vibrations using coarse mesh approaches

Christophe Demaziere
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2022, p. 3272-3281
Paper in proceeding

Verification of the code DYN3D for calculations of neutron flux fluctuations

M. Viebach, C. Lange, S. Kliem et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 166
Journal article

Uncertainty analyses of neutron noise simulations in a Zero-Power reactor

Soobeen Yum, Mathieu Hursin, Alexander Vasiliev et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 174
Journal article

Active coding assignments in nuclear reactor modelling

Christophe Demaziere
Other conference contribution

Understanding xenon oscillations through physics-based Reduced Order Modelling

Kristoffer Pedersen, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 126 (1), p. 772-775
Paper in proceeding

Simulations of neutron noise in the research reactor AKR-2: comparison between a discrete ordinates and a diffusion-based method

Paolo Vinai, Antonios Mylonakis, Huaiqian Yi et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2022, p. 957-966
Paper in proceeding

En hybrid miljö – interaktion, lärarstöd och fördjupat lärande

Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Använd rummet - Högskolepedagogiska metoder för aktiva lärsalar, p. 73-80
Book chapter

Development and test of a novel verification scheme applied to the neutronic modelling of Molten Salt Reactors

Christophe Demaziere, Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 167
Journal article

Machine learning for analysis of real nuclear plant data in the frequency domain

Stefanos Kollias, Miao Yu, J. Wingate et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 177
Journal article

CORE SIM+: A flexible diffusion-based solver for neutron noise simulations

Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 155
Journal article

Development and test of a novel neutronic verification scheme for Molten Salt Reactors

Christophe Demaziere, Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 124 (1), p. 504-507
Paper in proceeding

Detection and localisation of multiple in-core perturbations with neutron noise-based self-supervised domain adaptation

A. Durrant, G. Leontidis, S. Kollias et al
Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021)
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of neutron noise solvers based on numerical benchmarks in a 2-D simplified UOX fuel assembly

Paolo Vinai, Huaiqian Yi, Antonios Mylonakis et al
Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021)
Paper in proceeding

Flipping an online module in computational physics

Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Designing Courses with Digital Technologies: Insights and Examples from Higher Education, p. 100-104
Book chapter

Scaffolding student learning in computational physics

Christophe Demaziere
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum, CONTE 2021, p. 67-68
Paper in proceeding

GRE@T-PIONEeR: Teaching computational and experimental reactor physics using innovative pedagogical methods

Christophe Demaziere, Oscar Cabellos, Nuria Garcia-Herranz et al
Proc. Conf. Nuclear Education and Training (NESTet2021)
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in linear theory

Christophe Demaziere, A. Rouchon, A. Zoia
Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021), p. 1880-1890
Paper in proceeding

On the simulation of neutron noise using a discrete ordinates method

Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 164
Journal article

Feature extraction and identification techniques for the alignment of perturbation simulations with power plant measurements

G. Ioannou, T. Tasakos, Antonios Mylonakis et al
Proc. Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2021), p. 2048-2059
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations

Andrea Zoia, Amélie Rouchon, Baptiste Gasse et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 154
Journal article

Combining simulations and machine learning for neutron noise-based core diagnostics

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Tech. Meeting on Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Technology and Applications (AI4Atoms)
Paper in proceeding

The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom

Christian Stöhr, Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi
Computers and Education. Vol. 147
Journal article

A finite element method for neutron noise analysis in hexagonal reactors

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Damian Ginestar, Amanda Carreño et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March, p. 2939-2946
Paper in proceeding

Neutronic Simulation of Fuel Assembly Vibrations in a Nuclear Reactor

A. Vidal-Ferrandiz, A. Carreno, D. Ginestar et al
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 194 (11), p. 1067-1078
Journal article

Nuclear reactor modeling through distance learning

Christophe Demaziere
MathWorks Technical Articles and Newsletters (2020-07-28)
Magazine article

The CORTEX project: Improving nuclear fleet operational availability

Christophe Demaziere
Nuclear News (June), p. 28-33
Magazine article

Advanced numerical simulation and modelling for reactor safety − contributions from the CORTEX, HPMC, McSAFE and NURESAFE projects

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Hugo Sanchez-Espinoza, Bruno Chanaron
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies. Vol. 6
Journal article

Acceleration of a 2-dimensional, 2-energy group neutron noise solver based on a discrete ordinates method in the frequency domain

Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March, p. 2922-2929
Paper in proceeding

Monte Carlo-based dynamic calculations of stationary perturbations

Christophe Demaziere, Andreas Tatidis, Paolo Vinai
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March
Paper in proceeding

A time and frequency domain analysis of the effect of vibrating fuel assemblies on the neutron noise

Antoni Vidal, A. Carreño, Damian Ginestar et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 137
Journal article

Neutron noise-based anomaly classification and localization using machine learning

Christophe Demaziere, Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March, p. 2913-2921
Paper in proceeding

Numerical solution of two-energy-group neutron noise diffusion problems with fine spatial meshes

Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 140
Journal article

Using active learning in hybrid learning environments

Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March, p. 2419-2429
Paper in proceeding

CORE SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements

Antonios Mylonakis, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, PHYSOR 2020. Vol. 2020-March, p. 2930-2938
Paper in proceeding

Using active learning in hybrid learning environments

Christophe Demaziere
Other conference contribution

Neutron noise simulations in a heterogeneous system: A comparison between a diffusion-based and a discrete ordinates solver

Antonios Mylonakis, Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 439-448
Paper in proceeding

Development and test of a hybrid probabilistic-deterministic framework based on the interface current method

Huaiqian Yi, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 2166-2177
Paper in proceeding

PARCS vs CORE SIM neutron noise simulations

Nicolas Olmo-Juan, Christophe Demaziere, Teresa Barrachina et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 115, p. 169-180
Journal article

Neutron noise modelling for nuclear reactor diagnostics

Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics. Vol. 26, p. 139-143
Paper in proceeding

Towards the validation of neutron noise simulators: Qualification of data acquisition systems

Aldolfo Rais, Vincent Lamirand, Oskari Pakari et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019
Paper in proceeding

Neutronic simulation of fuel assembly vibrations in a nuclear reactor

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Amanda Carreño, Damian Ginestar et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 1177-1186
Paper in proceeding

Horizon-2020 ESFR-SMART project on Sodium Fast Reactor Safety: status after 18 months

K. Mikityuk, F. Álvarez Velarde, L. Bankhead et al
Conference poster

A discrete ordinates solver with diffusion synthetic acceleration for simulations of 2-D and 2-energy group neutron noise problems

Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 2023-2032
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of the neutron noise induced by stationary fuel assembly vibrations in a light water reactor

Vasudha Verma, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019. Vol. 2019, p. 1124-1133
Paper in proceeding

Development of a frequency-domain reactor noise simulator based on a neutron transport method

Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Conference poster

A comparison between time domain and frequency domain calculations of stationary neutron fluctuations

Marco Viebach, Carsten Lange, Soeren Kliem et al
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 631-640
Paper in proceeding

Predictive BWR core stability using feedback reactivity coefficients projected on neutronic eigenmodes

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 124, p. 1-8
Journal article

Overview of the CORTEX project

Christophe Demaziere
Conference poster

Two-level multigrid preconditioning of a neutron noise diffusion solver

Antonios Mylonakis, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2019, p. 1208-1217
Paper in proceeding

Pin-wise homogenization for SP N neutron transport approximation using the finite element method

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 330, p. 806-821
Journal article

Does participation affect performance in a flipped online course?

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-4, p. 2372-2381
Paper in proceeding

Towards a deep unified framework for nuclear reactor perturbation analysis

Fabio De Sousa Ribeiro, Francesco Calivá, Dionysios Chionis et al
2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI), p. 120-127
Paper in proceeding

Omvänt klassrum på distans i kärnreaktormodellering

Christophe Demaziere, Elisabeth Saalman, Christian Stöhr et al
Digitalisering av högre utbildning, p. 169-173
Book chapter

JHR neutron deterministic calculation scheme improvement thanks to Monte Carlo analysis in depletion

Julien Potitello, Florence Jeury, Lionel Gaubert et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-2, p. 1098-1109
Paper in proceeding

Applying SoTL in a nuclear engineering course – experiences from six iterations of course development

Christian Stöhr, Elisabeth Saalman, Christophe Demaziere et al
Other conference contribution

Assessment of criteria for Onset of Flow Instability in vertical narrow rectangular channels with downward flow

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-12)
Paper in proceeding

JFNK preconditioning for coupled BWR calculations

Christophe Demaziere, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Anders Ålund
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-2, p. 1365-1376
Paper in proceeding

A deep learning approach to anomaly detection in nuclear reactors

Francesco Calivá, Fabio De Sousa Ribeiro, Antonios Mylonakis et al
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Vol. 2018-July
Paper in proceeding

Overview of the CORTEX project

Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai, Mathieu Hursin et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-5, p. 2971-2980
Paper in proceeding

A sensitivity study for reactor neutron noise calculations with a neutron absorber of variable strength

Huaiqian Yi, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-5, p. 3017-3028
Paper in proceeding

Comparative study of neutron noise calculations using the neutron kinetics code PARCS and the neutron noise simulator CORE SIM

Nicolas Olmo-Juan, Christophe Demaziere, Teresa Barrachina et al
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-4, p. 2468-2480
Paper in proceeding


Gaetano Sardina, Klas Jareteg, Henrik Ström et al
Conference Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Multiphase Flows in Industrial plants (MFIP17)
Paper in proceeding

Setting up a room to cater to online learners’ needs

Christophe Demaziere, Peter Apell, Christian Stöhr et al
Proc. Conf. Nuclear Training and Education (CONTE 2017), p. 97-98
Paper in proceeding

Noise-based core monitoring and diagnostics – Overview of the CORTEX project

Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai, Mathieu Hursin et al
Proc. 3rd DAE-BRNS Symposium on Advances in Reactor Physics (ARP-2017), Mumbai, India, December 6-9, 2017
Paper in proceeding

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the simulation of a station blackout scenario in the Jules Horowitz Reactor

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 104, p. 28-41
Journal article

Discontinuity factors for 1D PN equations using a Finite Element Method

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Int. Conf. Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017), Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
Paper in proceeding

Schwarz type preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation

Antoni Vidal, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 309, p. 563-574
Journal article

QZ-decomposition for matrix-free sweep with high order DG-FEM

Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Anders Ålund, Christophe Demaziere
Int. Conf. Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017), Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
Paper in proceeding

On the dynamics of instabilities in two-fluid models for bubbly flows

Klas Jareteg, Henrik Ström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 170 (SI), p. 184-194
Journal article

Criteria for onset of flow instability in heated vertical narrow rectangular channels at low pressure: an assessment study

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 105, p. 464-478
Journal article

A deterministic against Monte-Carlo depletion calculation benchmark for JHR core configurations

Amalia Chambon, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere et al
Int. Conf. Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017), Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of efficient and reliable numerical algorithms for coupled reactor calculations - XTREAM project - Tasks 3a, 3b and 4a

Christophe Demaziere, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Anders Ålund et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

A numerical framework for bubble transport in a subcooled fluid flow

Klas Jareteg, Srdjan Sasic, Paolo Vinai et al
Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 345, p. 373-403
Journal article

Development and test of a new verification scheme for transient core simulators

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin, Klas Jareteg
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 116, p. 1025-1026
Paper in proceeding

Core diagnostics using noise analysis: From proof-of-principle to industrial demonstration

Christophe Demaziere
Int. Conf. Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017), Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
Paper in proceeding

Development of a point-kinetic verification scheme for nuclear reactor applications

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin, Klas Jareteg
Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 339, p. 396-411
Journal article

Estimation of the zero-power reactor transfer from a 3-dimensional core simulator in the frequency domain

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of thermal–hydraulic correlations for narrow rectangular channels with high heat flux and coolant velocity

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 99, p. 344-356
Journal article

Investigation of the bias coming from spectrum corrections in the simulations of nucler reactor transients

Christophe Demaziere
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016
Paper in proceeding

Using quizzes and students’ feedback for just-in-time teaching

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr
Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2016)
Paper in proceeding

Long-term operation of the Swedish Centre for Nuclear Technology (SKC): New challenges and solutions in competence building

Hans Henriksson, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg et al
Proc. European Conf. Nuclear Education and Training (NESTet 2016), Berlin, Germany, May 22-26, 2016
Paper in proceeding

On the formation of meso-scale structures in dispersed gas-liquid flows

Henrik Ström, Klas Jareteg, Srdjan Sasic et al
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF2016)
Other conference contribution

Homogenization techniques for the neutron transport equation using the finite element method

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Modelling for Engineering and Human Behaviour 2016
Book chapter


Amalia Chambon, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere et al
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016; Paper No. 15947. Vol. 1, p. 140-151
Paper in proceeding

Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 87, p. 728-738
Journal article

Void reactivity (Cmn) coefficients as indicators of boiling water reactor stability

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016. Vol. 6, p. 3571-3578
Paper in proceeding

Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment

Christian Stöhr, Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2016. Vol. 2016-January, p. 664-671
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of Critical Heat Flux correlations in narrow rectangular channels

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proceedings of the 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-11), Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 9-13 2016
Paper in proceeding

Students' "resonance broadening" to teaching or how to improve students' learning using flipped classrooms

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016. Vol. 3, p. 1471-1482
Paper in proceeding

A Two-fluid/DQMOM Methodology for Condensation in Bubbly Flow

Klas Jareteg, Srdjan Sasic, Paolo Vinai et al
The 16th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies (CMFF15), Budapest, Hungary
Paper in proceeding

Two-fluid model analyses of instabilities and non-uniformities in bubbly gas-liquid flows

Henrik Ström, Klas Jareteg, Srdjan Sasic et al
12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS12)
Paper in proceeding

Coupled fine-mesh neutronics and thermal-hydraulics - modeling and implementation for PWR fuel assemblies

Klas Jareteg, Paolo Vinai, Srdjan Sasic et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 84, p. 244-257
Journal article

Substructuring preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation

Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Damian Ginestar et al
Proc. XXIV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications, Cádiz, Spain, June 8-12, 2015
Paper in proceeding

Improving teachers-students interactions in web-based courses

Christophe Demaziere
Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2015)
Paper in proceeding

Numerical investigation of instabilities in the two-fluid model for CFD simulations of LWRs

Klas Jareteg, Henrik Ström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Proc. Joint Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method (MC2015). Vol. 2, p. 1309-1326
Paper in proceeding

Interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for a homogenized diffusion equation in reactor simulations

Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor, Antoni Vidal-Ferràndiz, Damian Ginestar et al
Proc. Joint Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method (MC2015). Vol. 2, p. 865-877
Paper in proceeding

On the effect of MOX fuel conductivity in predicting melting in FR fresh fuel by means of TRANSURANUS code

Aly Ahmed, Davide Rozzia, Alessandro Del Nevo et al
Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Portorož, Slovenia, September 14 ̶ 17, 2015
Paper in proceeding

The effect of introducing on-line quizzes in a virtual learning environment and implications for the flipped classroom

Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi
Proc. 43rd SEFI Annual Conference 2015 – Diversity in engineering education: an opportunity to face the new trends of engineering
Paper in proceeding

Wall superheat prediction in narrow rectangular channels under fully developed boiling of water at low pressures

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proc. 16th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16). Vol. 10, p. 8360-8373
Paper in proceeding

Instabilities in the two-fluid model relevant to fine-scale simulations of bubbly flows in nuclear reactors

Henrik Ström, Klas Jareteg, Srdjan Sasic et al
17th Meeting on Reactor Physics in the Nordic Countries, 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Development of three-dimensional capabilities for modelling stationary fluctuations in nuclear reactor cores

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin, Augusto Hernandéz Solís et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 84, p. 19-30
Journal article

Behaviour and stability of the two-fluid model for fine-scale simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors

Henrik Ström, Srdjan Sasic, Klas Jareteg et al
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Vol. 13 (4), p. 449-459
Journal article

Using learning analytics in virtual learning environments

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Proceedings från 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. Vol. 5, p. 121-125
Paper in proceeding

Development of a Monte-Carlo based method for calculating the effect of stationary fluctuations

Eirik Eide Pettersen, Christophe Demaziere, Klas Jareteg et al
Proc. Joint Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method (MC2015). Vol. 1, p. 93-109
Paper in proceeding

Development and test of a transient fine-mesh LWR Multiphysics solver in a CFD Framework

Klas Jareteg, Rasmus Andersson, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Joint Int. Conf. Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method (MC2015). Vol. 2, p. 1293-1308
Paper in proceeding

Modelling of stationary fluctuations in nuclear reactor cores in the frequency domain

Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin, Augusto Hernandéz Solís et al
Mathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015, Nashville, United States, 19-23 April 2015. Vol. 3, p. 2406-2419
Paper in proceeding

Reducing axial offset and improving stability in PWRs by using uranium-thorium fuel

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Christophe Demaziere et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 76, p. 137-147
Journal article

Further Development of the Core Simulator CORE SIM: Extension to coupled capabilities for BWRs

Victor Dykin, Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere

Modelling of a self-sustained density wave oscillation and its neutronic response in a three-dimensional heterogeneous system

Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere, Victor Dykin
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 67, p. 41-48
Journal article

Developing a course in nuclear reactor modelling and going from campus-based to web-based teaching

Christophe Demaziere, Klas Jareteg
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014
Paper in proceeding

Influence of an SN solver in a fine-mesh neutronics/thermal- hydraulics framework

Klas Jareteg, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014
Paper in proceeding

On the validity of the two-fluid model for simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors

Henrik Ström, Srdjan Sasic, Klas Jareteg et al
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants (MFIP-13)
Paper in proceeding

Fine-mesh deterministic modeling of PWR fuel assemblies: Proof-of-principle of coupled neutronic/thermal–hydraulic calculations

Klas Jareteg, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 68, p. 247-256
Journal article

On the prediction of single-phase forced convection heat transfer in narrow rectangular channels

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proceedings of the 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10), Okinawa, Japan, December 14-18, 2014, on CD-ROM, Paper No. 1116
Paper in proceeding

Students’ and teachers’ perspectives in going from campus-based to web-based teaching

Christophe Demaziere, Klas Jareteg
Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2014)
Paper in proceeding

A multi-group neutron noise simulator for fast reactors

Hoai Nam Tran, Florian Zylbersztejn, Christophe Demaziere et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 62, p. 158-169
Journal article

Multi-physics modelling of nuclear reactors: current practices in a nutshell

Christophe Demaziere
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (4), p. 288-318
Journal article


Klas Jareteg, Paolo Vinai, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2013) Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 5-9, 2013, on CD-ROM. Vol. 3, p. 2002-2013
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of the Equilibrium Core Characteristics for the Ringhals-3 PWR with Improved Thermal Margins Using Uranium-thorium Fuel

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Christophe Demaziere et al
Proceedings of ICAPP 2013, p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of global and regional BWR instabilities with a four heated-channel Reduced Order Model

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere, Carsten Lange et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53, p. 381-400
Journal article

Building a comprehensive nuclear education in Sweden

Anders Nordlund, Teodora Retegan Vollmer, Christophe Demaziere et al
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education 2013, CONTE 2013: An International Forum for Discussion of Issues Facing Nuclear Energy Training and Education, p. 40-
Paper in proceeding

Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses applied to the DRAGONv4.05 code lattice calculations and based on JENDL-4 data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 57, p. 230-245
Journal article

Uncertainty Analyses Applied to the UAM/TMI-1 Lattice Calculations Using the DRAGON (Version 4.05) Code and Based on JENDL-4 and ENDF/B-VII.1 Covariance Data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2013
Journal article

Investigation of local BWR instabilities with a four heated-channel Reduced Order Model

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere, Carsten Lange et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53, p. 320-330
Journal article

Validation of PARCS/RELAP5 Coupled codes against a Load Rejection Transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP

Alexander Agung, Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 257, p. 31 - 44
Journal article

Neutron noise calculations in hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions

Hoai Nam Tran, Christophe Demaziere
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 175 (3), p. 340-351
Journal article

On the dependence of the noise amplitude on the correlation length of inlet temperature fluctuations in PWRs

Florian Zylbersztejn, Hoai Nam Tran, Imre Pazsit et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 57, p. 134-141
Journal article

Statistical uncertainty analisis applied to the DRAGONv4 code lattice calculations and based on JENDL-4 covariance data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg et al
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, PHYSOR 2012; Knoxville, TN; United States; 15 April 2012 through 20 April 2012. Vol. 4, p. 2960-2974
Paper in proceeding

The Role of Swedish Universities in Supporting SSM Activities in the Field of Deterministic Safety Analysis

Alexander Agung, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere et al
Prosiding Seminar Keselamatan Nuklir 2012, 4 July 2012, Jakarta, p. 1-16
Paper in proceeding

Statistical uncertainty analysis applied to the DRAGONv4 code lattice calculations and based on JENDL-4 covariance data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg et al
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 4, p. 2960-2974
Paper in proceeding

Neutron noise calculations in a hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions

Hoai Nam Tran, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012, PHYSOR 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 5, p. 4107-4119
Paper in proceeding

Comments on local power oscillation phenomenon at BWRs

Carsten Lange, Dieter Hennig, Antonio Hurtado et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 60, p. 73-88
Journal article

Improvement of LWR thermal margins by introducing thorium

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 61, p. 48-56
Journal article

Development of a fully-consistent Reduced Order Model to study instabilities in Boiling Water Reactors

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 1, p. 332 - 345
Paper in proceeding

On the possible dependence of the decay ratio on the void reactivity feedback

Victor Dykin, Christophe Demaziere, Paolo Vinai
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 107, p. 1097-1100
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of the calculated neutron noise using finite differences and the Analytical Nodal Method

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 43, p. 176-182
Journal article

Investigation of the MTC noise estimation with a coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic dedicated model – “Closing the loop”

Christophe Demaziere, Viktor Larsson
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 1, p. 361-375
Paper in proceeding

A coupled neutronics/thermal–hydraulics tool for calculating fluctuations in Pressurized Water Reactors

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 43, p. 68-76
Journal article

Improvement of the thermal margins in the Swedish Ringhals-3 PWR by introducing new fuel assemblies with thorium

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén et al
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 5, p. 4041-4055
Paper in proceeding

Innovative use of Thorium in LWR fuel assemblies

Cheuk Wah Lau, Christophe Demaziere, Henrik Nylén
International Congress on Advances in NPPs - Nice, p. 2222-2231
Paper in proceeding

Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses as a validation tool for BWR bundle thermal-hydraulic predictions

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christian Ekberg, Christophe Demaziere et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 241 (9), p. 3697-3706
Journal article

Development of a numerical tool for calculating the fluctuations in PWRs

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Other conference contribution

User's manual of the CORE SIM neutronic tool

Christophe Demaziere

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53 (6), p. 618-625
Journal article


Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. of International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering 2011
Paper in proceeding

Neutron noise calculations using the Analytical Nodal Method and comparisons with analytical solutions

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 38 (4), p. 808-816
Journal article

CORE SIM: A multi-purpose neutronic tool for research and education

Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 38 (12), p. 2698-2718
Journal article

Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis of BWR Core Parameters based on Flux Measurements

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Vol. 105, p. 803-804
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of a loss of normal feedwater transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/Mod.3.3

Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere, Mathias Stålek

Neutron Noise Calculations Using the Analytical Nodal Method

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Proc of PHYSOR 2010 - Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance, Pittsburgh May 9-14 2010. Vol. 2, p. 939-950
Paper in proceeding

Noise Techniques in Nuclear Systems

Imre Pazsit, Christophe Demaziere
Handbook of Nuclear Engineering, p. 1629-1737
Book chapter

Statistical uncertainty analyses of void fraction predictions using two different sampling strategies: Latin Hypercube and Random Sampling

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen et al
ASME Conference Proceedings. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Xian, 17-21 May 2010. Vol. 4 (PARTS A AND B), p. 1059-1068
Paper in proceeding

Comparative study of 2-group P1 and diffusion theories for the calculation of the neutron noise in 1D 2-region systems

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 36 (10), p. 1574-1587
Journal article

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)
Paper in proceeding

Numerical tools applied to power reactor noise analysis

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 51 (1), p. 67 - 81
Journal article

Method for investigating the applicability of thorium-based fules in existing BWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP 2009; Shinjuku, Tokyo; Japan; 10 May 2009 through 14 May 2009. Vol. 3, p. 1974-1981
Paper in proceeding

Calculation of the neutron noise using the Analytical Nodal Method

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
Other conference contribution

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management IV (ANFM 2009)
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing BWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP 2009; Shinjuku, Tokyo; Japan; 10 May 2009 through 14 May 2009. Vol. 3, p. 1982-1987
Paper in proceeding

Development of computational methods and their applications for the analysis of nuclear power plants

Christophe Demaziere
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology. Vol. 4 (4), p. 287-298
Journal article

Calculation of the eigenfunctions of the two-group neutron diffusion equation and application to modal decomposition of BWR instabilities

Filippo Zinzani, Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 35 (11), p. 2109-2125
Journal article

Main steam line break calculations using a coupled relapsiparcs model for the ringhals-3 pressurized water reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE16 2008; Orlando, FL; United States; 11 May 2008 through 15 May 2008. Vol. 2, p. 507-514
Paper in proceeding

Multi-fractal analysis of chaotic flashing-induced instabilities in boiling channels in the natural circulation CIRCUS facility

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Marcel, Martin Rohde et al
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 158 (2), p. 164-193
Journal article

Semi-analytical calculations of the neutron noise in 2-group theory for 1-D homogeneous systems

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08; Interlaken; Switzerland; 14 September 2008 through 19 September 2008. Vol. 2, p. 1235-1242
Paper in proceeding

Parametric study of the influence of heterogeneous boron concentration and coolant density on cross section generation in BWRs

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere, Petri Forslund Guimarães
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08; Interlaken; Switzerland; 14 September 2008 through 19 September 2008. Vol. 2, p. 966-973
Paper in proceeding

Coupled RELAP5/PARCS main steam line break calculations before and after a power uprate of a Pressurized Water Reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08; Interlaken; Switzerland; 14 September 2008 through 19 September 2008. Vol. 3, p. 1984-1991
Paper in proceeding

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 12

Imre Pazsit, Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde et al

Analysis of a loss of feedwater case at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere et al
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE16 2008; Orlando, FL; United States; 11 May 2008 through 15 May 2008. Vol. 3, p. 135-144
Paper in proceeding

Main steam line break calculations using a coupled RELAP5/PARCS model for the Ringhals-3 pressurized water reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-16)
Paper in proceeding

Validational exercises with RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes using Ringhals-3 plant data

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. Physics of Reactors "Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource" (PHYSOR'08)
Paper in proceeding

Development of computational methods and their applications for the analysis of nuclear power plants

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Symp. Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technology in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
Paper in proceeding

Development and validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS

Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 35 (12), p. 2397-2409
Journal article

Investigation of the validity of the point-kinetic approximation and of the break-frequency method in 2-D subcritical systems

Carl Sunde, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications, Monterey April 15-19, 2007
Other conference contribution

Development and validation of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)
Paper in proceeding

Coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic calculations in support to the power uprate of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 12th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-12)
Paper in proceeding

Multi-fractal analysis of chaotic flashing-induced instabilities

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Marcel, Martin Rohde et al
Proc. 12th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-12)
Paper in proceeding

Calculation of the eigenfunctions and corresponding eigenvalues of the two-group diffusion equation in heterogeneous systems

Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde
Proc. Joint Int. Topl. Mtg. Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M & C + SNA 2007)
Paper in proceeding

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring Stage 11

Carl Sunde, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit

Investigation of the validity of the point-kinetic approximation and of the break-frequency method in 2-D subcritical systems

Carl Sunde, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Joint Int. Topl. Mtg. Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M & C + SNA 2007)
Paper in proceeding

Development of a cross-section interface for PARCS

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation (PHYSOR2006), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-14, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper in proceeding

Validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS

Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation (PHYSOR2006), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-14, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper in proceeding

Development of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere, Mathias Stålek
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation (PHYSOR2006), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-14, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper in proceeding

Determination of the fuel heat transfer dynamics via CFD for the purpose of noise analysis

Christophe Demaziere, Håkan Mattsson
Proc. 5th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology (NPIC&HMIT 2006), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 12-16, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper in proceeding

Calculation of the Neutron Noise Induced by Shell-Mode Core-Barrel Vibrations in a 1-D, Two-Group, Two-Region Slab Reactor Model

Carl Sunde, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Nuclear Technology. Vol. 154 (2), p. 129-141
Journal article

Numerical tools applied to power reactor noise analysis

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. 5th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology (NPIC&HMIT 2006), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 12-16, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper in proceeding

Analysis methods for the determination of possible unseated fuel assemblies in BWRs

Christophe Demaziere
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology. Vol. 2 (3), p. 167-188
Journal article

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 10

Carl Sunde, Johanna Wright, Christophe Demaziere et al

Investigation of the validity of the point-kinetic approximation for subcritical heterogeneous systems in 2-group diffusion theory for measurement of the reactivity in ADS

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit, Johanna Wright
Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy Systems for Future Generation and Global Sustainability (GLOBAL2005)
Paper in proceeding

On the possibility of the space-dependence of the stability indicator (decay ratio) of a BWR

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 32 (12), p. 1305-1322
Journal article

Investigation of the frequency-dependence of the MTC noise estimator

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Mtg. Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications (M&C2005)
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of the neutron noise induced by shell-mode core-barrel vibrations

Carl Sunde, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proceeding of International Topical Meeting on Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications, American Nulcear Society, Avignon, France, September 12-15, 2005
Paper in proceeding

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 9

Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde, Imre Pazsit

Identification and localization of absorbers of variable strength in nuclear reactors

Christophe Demaziere, Gustav Andhill
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 32 (8), p. 812-842
Journal article

Development of a 2-D 2-group neutron noise simulator

Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 31 (6), p. 647-680
Journal article

On-line determination of the prompt fraction of in-core neutron detectors in CANDU reactors

Christophe Demaziere, Oszvald Glöckler
Proc. Int. Mtg. The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments (PHYSOR2004)
Paper in proceeding

Development of a method for measuring the MTC by noise analysis and its experimental verification in Ringhals-2

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 148 (1), p. 1-29
Journal article

Development and application of core diagnostics and monitoring for the Ringhals PWRs

Tell Andersson, Christophe Demaziere, Albert Nagy et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 43 (1-4), p. 35-41
Journal article

Determination of the MTC by noise analysis methods

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Annual Mtg. Nuclear Technology 2003 (JK2003)
Paper in proceeding

Study of the MTC estimation by noise analysis in 2-D heterogeneous systems

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 43 (1-4), p. 313-319
Journal article

A phenomenological model for the explanation of a strongly space-dependent Decay Ratio

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Int. Mtg. Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences (M&C2003)
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of an MTC noise measurement performed in Ringhals-2 using gamma-thermometers and in-core neutron detectors

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit, Tell Andersson et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 43 (1-4), p. 57-66
Journal article

Final Report on the Research Project Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Stage 8

Christophe Demaziere, Carl Sunde, Vasily Arzhanov et al

Development of a method for measuring the MTC by noise analysis and its experimental verification in Ringhals-2

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Int. Mtg. New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology: Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR2002)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of the boron dilution method for Moderator Temperature Coefficient measurements

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit, Gabor Pór
Nuclear Technology. Vol. 140 (1), p. 147-163
Journal article

Reactor physics calculations on MOX fuel in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 7th Information Exchange Meeting on Partitioning and Transmutation (IEMPT7)
Paper in proceeding

Theoretical investigation of the MTC noise estimate in 1-D homogeneous systems

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 29 (1), p. 75-100
Journal article

2-D 2-group neutron noise simulator and its application to anomaly localisation

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Int. Mtg. Mathematical Methods for Nuclear Applications (M&C2001)
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of the reactivity coefficients and the stability of a BWR loaded with MOX fuel

Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Mtg. Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium (PHYSOR2000)
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of the Moderator Temperature Coefficient (Analysis of an MTC measurement using boron dilution method)

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit, Gabor Pór
Proc. Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2000)
Paper in proceeding

Theoretical investigation of the MTC noise estimate in 1-D homogeneous systems

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. 28th Informal Mtg. Reactor Noise (IMORN-28)
Paper in proceeding

Theory of neutron noise induced by spatially randomly distributed noise sources

Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit
Proc. Int. Mtg. Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium (PHYSOR2000)
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 11 research projects


Neutron noise equivalence techniques

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)


Core monitoring and diagnostics in SMRs using reactor neutron noise and machine learning

Paolo Vinai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Salma Hussein Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics PP
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

- Graduate Education Alliance for Teaching the Physics and Safety of Nuclear Reactors - GREaT-PIONEeR

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Paolo Vinai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
European Commission (EC)

6 publications exist

Study of core stability during load follow with ROM methods

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Paolo Vinai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)

2 publications exist

Development of a hybrid neutron transport framework for static and dynamic calculations and applications to fast reactor cores

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Paolo Vinai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Seaborg External multiphysics Architecture for Licensing and Ip development (E!11837 SEALION) Of Nuclearreactors

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic and Plasma Physics

2 publications exist

European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools (ESFR-Smart)

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

4 publications exist

Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration (CORTEX)

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

46 publications exist

Development of hybrid neutron transport methods and data visualization tools (HYBRID)

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic and Plasma Physics
The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)

1 publication exists

Development of Revolutionary and Accurate Methods for Safety Analyses of Future and Existing Reactors (DREAM4SAFER)

Christophe Demaziere Nuclear Engineering
Mohammad Asadzadeh Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Srdjan Sasic Fluid Dynamics
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Sebastian Gonzalez-Pintor Nuclear Engineering
Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

1 publication exists

DEterministic MOdelling of the Jules Horowitz Reactor (DEMO-JHR)

Christophe Demaziere Nuclear Engineering
Paolo Vinai Nuclear Engineering
Alberto Ghione Nuclear Engineering
Amalia Chambon Nuclear Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Christophe Demaziere participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.