Paolo Vinai

Visar 62 publikationer
On the use of neutron flux gradient with ANNs for the detection of diverted spent nuclear fuel
Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors
On the simulation of neutron noise induced by vibrations of fuel pins in a fuel assembly
Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations
Sensitivity analysis in core diagnostics
Uncertainty analyses of neutron noise simulations in a Zero-Power reactor
Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2021-2022
Understanding xenon oscillations through physics-based Reduced Order Modelling
Machine learning for analysis of real nuclear plant data in the frequency domain
Conceptual design and initial evaluation of a neutron flux gradient detector
Development and test of a novel neutronic verification scheme for Molten Salt Reactors
CORE SIM+: A flexible diffusion-based solver for neutron noise simulations
On the simulation of neutron noise using a discrete ordinates method
Analysis of the neutron noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations
Monte Carlo-based dynamic calculations of stationary perturbations
Neutron noise-based anomaly classification and localization using machine learning
Numerical solution of two-energy-group neutron noise diffusion problems with fine spatial meshes
CORE SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements
Neutron noise modelling for nuclear reactor diagnostics
Development of a frequency-domain reactor noise simulator based on a neutron transport method
Two-level multigrid preconditioning of a neutron noise diffusion solver
JHR neutron deterministic calculation scheme improvement thanks to Monte Carlo analysis in depletion
A deep learning approach to anomaly detection in nuclear reactors
Overview of the CORTEX project
Noise-based core monitoring and diagnostics – Overview of the CORTEX project
A numerical framework for bubble transport in a subcooled fluid flow
A deterministic against Monte-Carlo depletion calculation benchmark for JHR core configurations
Assessment of Critical Heat Flux correlations in narrow rectangular channels
A Two-fluid/DQMOM Methodology for Condensation in Bubbly Flow
Influence of an SN solver in a fine-mesh neutronics/thermal- hydraulics framework
On the prediction of single-phase forced convection heat transfer in narrow rectangular channels
Building a comprehensive nuclear education in Sweden
On the possible dependence of the decay ratio on the void reactivity feedback
An Assesment Study of the POLCA-T Code Based on NUPEC Data
An assessment study of the POLCA-T code based on NUPEC data
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Nukleär icke-spridning och kärnämneskontroll
Core monitoring and diagnostics in SMRs using reactor neutron noise and machine learning
A new approach to partial defect testing of spent nuclear fuel for safeguards applications
Studier av härdstabilitet vid lastföljning med ROM-metoder
DEterministisk MOdellering av Jules HorowitzReaktorn (DEMO-JHR)
Planering för infrastrukturerna MYRRHA och ELECTRA (PRIME)