Energy saving strategies for electric vehicles operating in cold climates
Doktorsavhandling, 2024

Electromobility has gained significance over recent years in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. The requirements for the performance and efficiency of electric vehicles are high to make them an attractive alternative to conventional fossil-fuel-driven vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries are excellent energy storage systems when operated under conducive conditions, i.e. a temperature range of 15°C to 35°C. Their performance and cycling life are drastically affected when operated outside this range. In cold climates, the battery packs need to be heated for optimal performance. Additionally, the passenger cabins must be climatized. The energy for battery and cabin heating is derived from the packs, which consequently results in reduced driving range.

This work is concerned with strategies for reducing these heating loads. Three methods, namely cabin insulation, cabin air recirculation, and battery pack thermal encapsulation, have been investigated to estimate heating load reductions and their influence on vehicle range. 

Cabin insulation was investigated on a passenger car cabin and a truck cabin using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Insulating the cabin reduced the heat losses, heating the cabin faster and to higher mean temperatures than the non-insulated configuration under a constant heating load. An adaptive cabin air recirculation strategy was used to control the return-air ratio such that window fogging was avoided, and good air quality could be maintained. Numerical simulations using a coupled CFD-thermoregulation model were performed on the truck cabin with cabin heating and recirculation controllers. Combining the two strategies (cabin insulation and air recirculation) further decreased the cabin heating energy consumption. 

Thermal encapsulation of battery packs as a means of passive battery thermal management was tested to improve the battery performance and decrease the heating demand for climatization after long parking periods in cold climates. Several levels of insulation on a calibrated battery pack model were studied under cool-down scenarios. With sufficient thermal resistance, the heat loss from the pack was minimized and the packs were kept at near-optimal temperatures. 

Finally, vehicle simulations were performed for a truck under parking-driving scenarios to investigate the effectiveness of all the strategies combined at various ambient temperatures. The cabin heating load decreased significantly, and the battery heating load was eliminated for all low ambient temperatures. Their combined effects led to the increase in vehicle range at low ambient temperatures, up to 7% at -20°C.

battery pack climatization

electric vehicle

battery encapsulation

cabin climatization

cabin insulation


low-temperature BEV performance

cabin air recirculation

HA 3, Hörsalsvägen 4, Online passcode: 345391
Opponent: Prof. Mihai Mihaescu, KTH


Anandh Ramesh Babu

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Fordonsteknik och autonoma system

Thermal encapsulation of large battery packs for electric vehicles operating in cold climate

Applied Thermal Engineering,; Vol. 212(2022)

Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An adaptive cabin air recirculation strategy for an electric truck using a coupled CFD-thermoregulation approach

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,; Vol. 221(2024)

Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Ramesh Babu, A., Sebben, S., Chronéer, Z., and Etemad, S. “Heating load reduction strategies for cabin and battery pack climatization in electric trucks operating in cold climates.”

The automotive sector has intensified its commitment to the development of battery electric vehicles, primarily in response to evolving regulations and social awareness concerning climate change. With an increasing demand for energy-efficient vehicles, it is necessary to understand how the available energy is used under various operating conditions to improve vehicle range and customer acceptance. 

Several factors influence the driving range of a battery electric vehicle, with ambient temperature being an important parameter. The passenger compartment must be heated for occupant comfort in cold climates. Additionally, low operating temperatures severely affect battery pack performance, reducing its power, capacity, and longevity. Thus, heating the pack to optimal operating temperatures is crucial. These cabin and battery heating loads require energy from the battery and consequently decrease the driving range.

This thesis explores three strategies to reduce these heating loads and increase energy utilization for driving: cabin insulation, cabin air recirculation, and battery pack thermal encapsulation. Cabin/battery thermal insulation isolates the respective components from the environment, reducing heat losses and the heating demand. Cabin air recirculation mixes climatized air from the passenger compartment and ambient fresh air to reduce heating load, while maintaining air quality and preventing window fogging. The results show that these strategies are beneficial for increasing driving range at low ambient temperatures.


Teknisk mekanik



Strömningsmekanik och akustik



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5495



HA 3, Hörsalsvägen 4, Online passcode: 345391


Opponent: Prof. Mihai Mihaescu, KTH

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