Curriculum Agility principles for transformative innovation in engineering education
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

Transformative curriculum innovation is needed in engineering education programmes, to continuously keep up to date with developments in the professional and research disciplines, in society, technology and pedagogy, and in the characteristics and needs of its diverse students. To enable and facilitate such innovations, both the curriculum's design and its institutional organisation need to be easily adaptable. This paper introduces Curriculum Agility, a concept that has been developed between 2018 and 2023 in a series of focus group sessions with engineering education practitioners and experts. Throughout these co-creational and iterative sessions, Curriculum Agility was defined as a responsively organised education, with dynamic learning contents and flexible pedagogics and didactics, while all involved staff is continuously developing competency to deal with the necessary transitions. Ten principles of Curriculum Agility are presented to guide curriculum innovators at programme and course level towards continuous transformation that is desirable, feasible, and viable within their context.

transformative innovation

engineering education

Curriculum Agility


curriculum innovation


Suzanne Brink

ICLONLeiden University Graduate School of Teaching

Umeå universitet

Miranda de Hei

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Ellen Sjoer

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Carl Johan Carlsson

Chalmers, Vetenskapens kommunikation och lärande, Fackspråk och kommunikation

Fredrik Georgssson

Umeå universitet

Elizabeth Keller

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)

Charles McCartan

Queen's University Belfast

Mikael Enelund

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik

Reidar Lyng

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Wilfried Admiraal

OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet

European Journal of Engineering Education

0304-3797 (ISSN) 1469-5898 (eISSN)



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Pedagogiskt arbete



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