Dynamics of Contaminant Flow Through Porous Media Containing Random Adsorbers
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2025
Many porous media are mixtures of inert and reactive materials, manifesting spatio-chemical heterogeneity. We study the evolution of scalar transport in a chemically heterogeneous material that mimics a green roof soil substrate, fractionally composed of inert and reactive adsorbing particles. These adsorbing particles are equivalent to biochar within a real soil substrate. The scalar transport evolution is determined using experiments and simulations calibrated from experimental data. Experiment 1 is used to determine the equilibrium capacity and adsorption rate of two biochar types when immersed in a methylene blue solution. Breakthrough curves of a packed bed of glass beads with randomly interspersed biochar are determined in experiment 2. Simulations are then run to investigate the solute transport and adsorption dynamics at the pore-scale. An analytical model is proposed to capture the behavior of the biochar adsorption capacity, and the simulation results are compared with experiment 2. A pore-scale analysis showed that uniformly sized beds are superior in contaminant breakthrough reduction, which is related to the adsorptive surface area and the rate at which adsorption capacity is reached. Cases using the adsorption capacity model display a tight distribution of particle surface concentration at later simulation times, indicating maximum possible adsorption. The beds with dissimilar particle sizes create more channeling effects which reduce adsorptive particle efficiency and consequently higher breakthrough concentration profiles. Comparison between experiments and simulations show good agreement. Improved biochar performance can be achieved by maintaining particle size uniformity alongside high adsorption capacity and adsorption rates appropriate to the rainfall intensity.
Methylene blue
Lattice Boltzmann