Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 179 publications


Mitigation of transient torque reversals in indirect drive wind turbine drivetrains

Saptarshi Sarkar, Håkan Johansson, Viktor Berbyuk
Wind Energy, p. 803-825
Journal article

Transient torque reversals in indirect drive wind turblnes

Saptarshi Sarkar, Håkan Johansson, Viktor Berbyuk
Wind Energy, p. 691-716
Journal article

Transient torque reversals in indirect drive wind turbines

Saptarshi Sarkar, Håkan Johansson, Viktor Berbyuk
Wind Energy (7), p. 691-716
Journal article

Weight-Vibration Pareto Optimization of a Dual Mass Flywheel

Viktor Berbyuk
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Site-specific analysis of on wind turbines in complex terrain: A case study

Saptarshi Sarkar, Hamidreza Abedi, Håkan Johansson et al
WESC2021, Wind Energy Science Conference , The Conference Book (Intro) with the Book of Abstracts (Theme 01 - 10), p. 2-111-2-112
Other conference contribution

Towards the Limits of Vibration Attenuation in Drivetrain System by Torsional Dynamics Absorber

Viktor Berbyuk
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 1574-1583
Paper in proceeding

Design optimization of transducer arrays for uniform distribution of guided wave energy in arbitrarily shaped domains

Siavash Shoja, Viktor Berbyuk, Samir Mustapha
Journal article

Application of low frequency guided waves to delamination detection in large composite structures: a numerical study

Siavash Shoja, Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström
ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials, p. 1-7
Paper in proceeding

Minimizing synchronization time of a gear shifting mechanism by optimizing its structural design parameters

Muhammad Irfan, Viktor Berbyuk, Håkan Johansson
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (2-3), p. 488-504
Journal article
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