Ankit Gupta

Showing 12 publications


Computation of Parameter Dependent Robust Invariant Sets for LPV Models with Guaranteed Performance

Ankit Gupta, Manas Mejari, Paolo Falcone et al
Automatica. Vol. 151
Journal article

Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets with Predefined Complexity for Uncertain Systems

Ankit Gupta, Hakan Köroglu, Paolo Falcone
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Vol. 31 (5), p. 1674-1688
Journal article

Tree-Structured Polyhedral Invariant Set Calculations

Emil Klintberg, Magnus Nilsson, Ankit Gupta et al
IEEE Control Systems Letters. Vol. 4 (2), p. 426-431
Journal article

Admissible sets for polytopic linear systems subject to slowly-varying unobservable disturbances

Magnus Nilsson, Emil Klintberg, Ankit Gupta et al

Full-complexity characterization of control-invariant domains for systems with uncertain parameter dependence

Ankit Gupta, Paolo Falcone
IEEE Control Systems Letters. Vol. 3 (1), p. 19-24
Journal article

Computation of low-complexity control-invariant sets for systems with uncertain parameter dependence

Ankit Gupta, Hakan Köroglu, Paolo Falcone
Automatica. Vol. 101, p. 330-337
Journal article

A Framework for Vehicle Lateral Motion Control With Guaranteed Tracking and Performance

Ankit Gupta, M. Nilsson, Paolo Falcone et al
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019, p. 3607-3612
Paper in proceeding

A primal active-set minimal-representation algorithm for polytopes with application to invariant-set calculations

Emil Klintberg, Magnus Nilsson, Lars Johannesson Mårdh et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vol. 2018-December, p. 6862-6867
Paper in proceeding

Low-Complexity Explicit MPC Controller for Vehicle Lateral Motion Control

Ankit Gupta, Paolo Falcone
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC. Vol. 2018-November, p. 2839-2844
Paper in proceeding

Restricted-Complexity Characterization of Control-Invariant Domains with Application to Lateral Vehicle Dynamics Control

Ankit Gupta, Hakan Köroglu, Paolo Falcone
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vol. 2018-January, p. 4946-4951
Paper in proceeding

Vehicle Lateral Motion Control with Performance and Safety Guarantees

Lei Ni, Ankit Gupta, Paolo Falcone et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 49 (11), p. 285-290
Paper in proceeding

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