Johan A Skifs Engström

Showing 25 publications


How Do Drivers Respond to Silent Automation Failures? Driving Simulator Study and Comparison of Computational Driver Braking Models

Giulio Bianchi Piccinini, Esko Lehtonen, Fabio Forcolin et al
Human Factors. Vol. 62 (7), p. 1212-1229
Journal article

Effects of cognitive load on response time in an unexpected lead vehicle braking scenario and the detection response task (DRT)

Emma Nilsson, Mikael Ljung Aust, Johan A Skifs Engström et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 59, p. 463-474
Journal article

Great expectations: A predictive processing account of automobile driving

Johan A Skifs Engström, Jonas Bärgman, Daniel Nilsson et al
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. Vol. 19 (2), p. 156-194
Journal article

The perfect mismatch: Analysis of rear-end crash causation mechanisms based on naturalistic crash data

Hrafnhildur Hekla Eiríksdóttir, Johan A Skifs Engström, Jonas Bärgman
6th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research. June 8-9. The Hague, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

A quantitative driver model of pre-crash brake onset and control

Malin Svärd, Gustav M Markkula, Johan A Skifs Engström et al
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Vol. 61 (1), p. 339 - 343
Paper in proceeding

Factors contributing to commercial vehicle rear-end conflicts in China: A study using on-board event data recorders

Giulio Bianchi Piccinini, Johan A Skifs Engström, Jonas Bärgman et al
Journal of Safety Research. Vol. 62, p. 143-153
Journal article

A farewell to brake reaction times? Kinematics-dependent brake response in naturalistic rear-end emergencies

Gustav M Markkula, Johan A Skifs Engström, J. Lodin et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 95, p. 209-226
Journal article

A Review of Research on Driving Styles and Road Safety

Fridulv Sagberg, Selpi Selpi, Giulio Bianchi Piccinini et al
Human Factors. Vol. 57 (No. 7, November 2015), p. 1248- 1275
Review article

ANNEXT - Slutrapport

Jonas Bärgman, Julia Werneke, Johan A Skifs Engström

Effects of forward collision warning and repeated event exposure on emergency braking

Mikael Ljung Aust, Johan A Skifs Engström, Matias Viström
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 18, p. 34-46
Journal article

Using manual measurements on event recorder video and image processing algorithms to extract optical parameters.

Jonas Bärgman, Julia Werneke, Christian-Nils Åkerberg Boda et al
Proceedings of the Seventh International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design, p. 177-183
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of the role of inattention in road crashes based on naturalistic on-board safety monitoring data

Johan A Skifs Engström, Julia Werneke, Jonas Bärgman et al
PROCEEDINGS of the 3rd International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention
Paper in proceeding

Attention selection and multitasking in everyday driving: A conceptual model

Johan A Skifs Engström, Trent Victor, Gustav M Markkula
Driver Distraction and Inattention: Advances in Research and Countermeasures. Vol. 1, p. 27-54
Book chapter

Manual for DREAM version 3.2

Mikael Ljung Aust, Azra Habibovic, Emma Tivesten et al

Adaptive behavior in the simulator: Implications for active safety system evaluation

Johan A Skifs Engström, Mikael Ljung Aust
Handbook of Driving Simulation for Engineering, Medicine, and Psychology, p. 41-1-41-16-
Book chapter

A conceptual framework for requirement specification and evaluation of active safety functions

Mikael Ljung Aust, Johan A Skifs Engström
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. Vol. 12 (1), p. 44-65
Journal article

Effects of working memory load and repeated scenario exposure on emergency braking performance

Johan A Skifs Engström, Mikael Ljung Aust, Matias Viström
Human Factors. Vol. 52 (5), p. 551-559
Journal article

Real-Time Distraction Countermeasures

Johan A Skifs Engström, Trent Victor
Driver Distraction: Theory, Effects, and Mitigation, p. 465-484
Book chapter


Johan A Skifs Engström
Paper in proceeding

A model of attention selection in driving

Johan A Skifs Engström
Licentiate thesis

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