Peter J Filipsson

Showing 12 publications


Weather Forecast Control for Heating of Multi-Family Buildings in Comparison with Feedback and Feedforward Control

Daniel Olsson, Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel
Energies. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

Luftflöde i vårdlokaler - Med ett fastighetstekniskt perspektiv

Peter J Filipsson, Lars Ekberg
Report - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)

Feedback Control in Swedish Multi-Family Buildings for Lower Energy Demand and Assured Indoor Temperature—Measurements and Interviews

Daniel Olsson, Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel
Energies. Vol. 16 (18)
Journal article

Flow rate optimization in run-around heat recovery systems

Mohammad Mahmoud, Peter J Filipsson, Samuel Brunninge et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 200
Journal article

Self-Regulating Active Chilled Beams

Peter J Filipsson
Doctoral thesis

Modelling of rooms with active chilled beams

Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel, Jonas Gräslund et al
Journal of Building Performance Simulation. Vol. 13 (4), p. 409-418
Journal article

Performance evaluation of a direct ground-coupled self-regulating active chilled beam system

Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel, Jonas Gräslund et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 209
Journal article

Chilled water temperature control of self-regulating active chilled beams

Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel, Jonas Gräslund et al
SINTEF Proceedings. Vol. 5, p. 230-237
Paper in proceeding

High Temperature District Cooling: Challenges and Possibilities Based on an Existing District Cooling System and its Connected Buildings

Maria Jangsten, Peter J Filipsson, Torbjörn Lindholm et al
Energy. Vol. 199
Journal article

Vätskekopplad värmeåtervinning - Förstudie

Peter J Filipsson, Lars Ekberg
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

A thermal model of an active chilled beam

Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel, Jonas Gräslund et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 149, p. 83-90
Journal article

Induction ratio of active chilled beams - Measurement methods and influencing parameters

Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel, Jonas Gräslund et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 129, p. 445-451
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


Utredning Ventilation - Byggenskap och Vårdhygien

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Region Jönköpings län

1 publication exists

Run-around coil heat recovery

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Mohammad Mahmoud Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Anders Trüschel Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Metodik för energiberäkning

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Byggherrarna Sverige AB


Self-Regulating Active Chilled Beams

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Anders Trüschel Building Services Engineering
Jonas Gräslund Building Services Engineering
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)

3 publications exist
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