Hilda Sandström

Showing 7 publications


A Thermodynamic Landscape of Hydrogen Cyanide-Derived Molecules and Polymers

Hilda Sandström, Fernando Izquierdo Ruiz, Marco Cappelletti et al
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Crossroads at the Origin of Prebiotic Chemical Complexity: Hydrogen Cyanide Product Diversification

Hilda Sandström, Martin Rahm
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 127 (20), p. 4503-4510
Journal article

The Beginning of HCN Polymerization: Iminoacetonitrile Formation and Its Implications in Astrochemical Environments

Hilda Sandström, Martin Rahm
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. Vol. 5 (8), p. 2152-2159
Journal article

Can polarity-inverted membranes self-assemble on Titan?

Hilda Sandström, Martin Rahm
Science advances. Vol. 6 (4)
Journal article

Interspecies plasmid transfer appears rare in sequential infections with extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae

Anna Lindblom, Sriram Kesarimangalam, Vilhelm Müller et al
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. Vol. 93 (4), p. 380-385
Journal article

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