Hudson Pace

Doktor at Biological Physics image

Showing 11 publications


Probing the Separation Distance between Biological Nanoparticles and Cell Membrane Mimics Using Neutron Reflectometry with Sub-Nanometer Accuracy

Antonius Armanious, Yuri Gerelli, Samantha Micciulla et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 144 (45), p. 20726-20738
Journal article

Lipid-Based Bioanalytical Sensors

Marta Bally, Hudson Pace, Fredrik Höök
Handbook of Lipid Membranes Molecular, Functional, and Materials Aspects, p. 241-270
Book chapter

Formation of Supported Lipid Bilayers Derived from Vesicles of Various Compositional Complexity on Conducting Polymer/Silica Substrates

Hanna Gustafsson, Josefin Nissa, Hudson Pace et al
Langmuir. Vol. 37 (18), p. 5494-5505
Journal article

Lipid vesicle composition influences the incorporation and fluorescence properties of the lipophilic sulphonated carbocyanine dye SP-DiO

Quentin Lubart, Jonas Hannestad, Hudson Pace et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 22 (16), p. 8781-8790
Journal article

FRET-Based Assay for the Quantification of Extracellular Vesicles and Other Vesicles of Complex Composition

Konrad Thorsteinsson, Erik Olsén, Eneas Schmidt et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 92 (23), p. 15336-15343
Journal article

Cell Membrane Derived Platform To Study Virus Binding Kinetics and Diffusion with Single Particle Sensitivity

Nadia Peerboom, Eneas Schmidt, Edward Trybala et al
ACS Infectious Diseases. Vol. 4 (6), p. 944-953
Journal article

Structure and Composition of Native Membrane Derived Polymer-Supported Lipid Bilayers

Hudson Pace, Jonas Hannestad, Antonius Armanious et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 90 (21), p. 13065-13072
Journal article

Spatiotemporal Kinetics of Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation on Glass via Vesicle Adsorption and Rupture

Mokhtar Mapar, Silver Jõemetsa, Hudson Pace et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Vol. 9 (17), p. 5143-5149
Journal article

Location-specific nanoplasmonic sensing of biomolecular binding to lipid membranes with negative curvature

Juliane Junesch, Gustav Emilsson, Kunli Xiong et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 7 (37), p. 15080-15085
Journal article

Equilibrium-Fluctuation Analysis for Interaction Studies between Natural Ligands and Single G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Native Lipid Vesicles

Olov Wahlsten, Anders Gunnarsson, Lisa Simonsson Nyström et al
Langmuir. Vol. 31 (39), p. 10774-10780
Journal article

Preserved Transmembrane Protein Mobility in Polymer-Supported Lipid Bilayers Derived from Cell Membranes

Hudson Pace, Lisa Simonsson Nyström, Anders Gunnarsson et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 87 (18), p. 9194-9203
Journal article

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