Kent Salo
Kent Salo holds a Ph.D. in natural science with orientation towards chemistry at the department of mechanics and maritime sciences. Kent’s research focuses on emissions to the atmosphere from shipping and the impact on health, climate and environment from these emissions. This research is performed utilizing engine lab studies and measurements onboard ships.

Showing 31 publications
Effects of seawater scrubbing on a microplanktonic community during a summer-bloom in the Baltic Sea
A Novel Approach to Reduce the Environmental Footprint of Maritime Shipping
Measurements of Emissions to Air from a Marine Engine Fueled by Methanol
Impact of aromatic concentration in marine fuels on particle emissions
The natural environment and human impacts
Measurements of abatement of particles and exhaust gases in a marine gas scrubber
Particulate emissions from aromatic containing fuels
Measures to reduce discharges and emissions
Characterization of particles from a marine engine operating at low loads
Particle- and Gaseous Emissions from an LNG Powered Ship
Identification of Gross Polluting Ships to Promote a Level Playing Field within the Shipping Sector
Aging of biogenic secondary organic aerosol via gas-phase OH radical reactions
Volatility of secondary organic aerosol during OH radical induced ageing
Thermal characterization of aminium nitrate nanoparticles.
Physical properties and processes of secondary organic aerosol and its constituents
Aerosol volatility and enthalpy of sublimation of carboxylic acids.
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Showing 16 research projects
Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (EMERGE)
Effects of ship emissions on plankton communities
Studies of emissions of organic particles from shipping
Characterize and understand the chemical and fluid dynamic: experimental marine exhaust gas scrubber
Human influence on Nordic and Arctic Climate and Air: shipping, mixed-phase clouds, and particles
Particle emissions from marine engines
Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)
Chalmers Ship emission measurements. Properties of particles related to fuel type and quality
Commercial shipping as a source of acidification in the Baltic Sea (SHipH)
Partikelmätningar på gasmotorer för fartygsdrift