Murali Murugesan

Doctor at Applied Chemistry image

Showing 13 publications


Understanding noninvasive charge transfer doping of graphene: a comparative study

Ankit Nalin Mehta, Wei Mu, Murali Murugesan et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 29 (7), p. 5239-5252
Journal article

Efficient surface modification of carbon nanotubes for fabricating high performance CNT based hybrid nanostructures

Nan Wang, Santosh Pandit, L. Ye et al
Carbon. Vol. 111, p. 402-410
Journal article

Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes

H. X. Han, Yong Zhang, Nan Wang et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 7
Journal article

Flexible Multi-functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Based Hybrid Nanowires

Nan Wang, Di Jiang, Lilei Ye et al
Advanced Functional Materials
Journal article

Flexible Multifunctionalized Carbon Nanotubes-Based Hybrid Nanowires

Nan Wang, Di Jiang, L. Ye et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 25 (26), p. 4135-4143
Journal article

Improved Heat Spreading Performance of Functionalized Graphene in Microelectronic Device Application

Yong Zhang, H. X. Han, Nan Wang et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 25 (28), p. 4430-4435
Journal article

Novel thermal interface materials: boron nitride nanofiber and indium composites for electronics heat dissipation applications

Xin Luo, Yong Zhang, Carl Zandén et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 25 (5), p. 2333-2338
Journal article

A carbon fiber solder matrix composite for thermal management of microelectronic devices

Murali Murugesan, Carl Zandén, Xin Luo et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 2 (35), p. 7184-7187
Journal article

Boron nitride nanofiber and indium composite based thermal interface materials for electronics heat dissipation applications

Xin Luo, Yong Zhang, Carl Zandén et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 25 (5), p. 2333-2338
Journal article

Carbon fiber solder matrix composite for thermal management of high power electronics

Murali Murugesan, Carl Zandén, Xin Luo et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 2 (35), p. 7184-7187
Journal article

Molecular dynamics simulation of inertial trapping-induced atomic scale mass transport inside single walled carbon nanotubes

Z. L. Hu, Gustaf Mårtensson, Murali Murugesan et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 102 (8)
Journal article

Reliability investigation of nano-enhanced thermal conductive adhesives

Nan Wang, Murali Murugesan, L. Ye et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology
Paper in proceeding

Detecting single molecules inside a carbon nanotube to control molecular sequences using inertia trapping phenomenon

Zhili Hu, Gustaf Mårtensson, Murali Murugesan et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 101 (13), p. Art. no. 133105-
Journal article

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